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例句 She knew she was on shaky ground if she withheld any details.她知道如果拒绝透露任何细节的话,自己就站不住脚了。The bike has style, it has looks, it has its little idiosyncrasies.这辆自行车品质一流,外观漂亮,有一些细节之处与众不同。She glossed over the details of her divorce.她掩饰了离婚的细节说得轻描淡写。Just give us a brief report; you can fill us in on the particulars later.只做个简要报告,细节可以以后再告诉我们。Her room is beautifully furnished, with a great deal of care and attention to detail.她的房间陈设得很漂亮,精心考虑到了每个细节The British government has thrown a blanket of secrecy over the details.英国政府对细节讳莫如深。I have blocked in a plan of the house but have given no details.我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节Full details will be sent to you once your application has been accepted.所有细节会在申请接受后马上寄出。The project is almost finished, but we still have a few final details to tie up. = We still have to tie up some loose ends.这个工程基本完工了,但我们最后还有一些细节要处理。More details surfaced of her colourful past as the story developed.随着故事的发展,更多有关她不同寻常的过去的细节开始为人所知。Let the travel agent worry about the details.让旅行社去操心那些细节问题吧。I don't want to hear the sordid details of your relationship with Sandra.我不想听你和桑德拉之间的那些龌龊细节The attention to detail is almost fanatical.细节的重视几乎到了极端的地步。Details of the discussions have not been given.讨论的细节没有透露。Baker advises the President on the details of foreign policy.贝克就外交政策的细节问题向总统提供建议。Please don't omit any details.请不要省略任何细节Details about the case started to leak out.那个案件的细节开始外传。You will find all the particulars in Chapter 9.你会在第九章找到所有的细节Now that we've agreed on the general principles of our policy, let's get down to specifics.既然我们在政策的基本原则上已取得了一致的意见,那我们就来谈论一下细节问题吧。You're thorough, I grant you that, but we don't need all this detail.我承认你很仔细,但我们不需要这些细节I only see things dimly, and I miss a lot of detail.我看东西很模糊,很多细节都看不见。The document supplies details of the proposed changes.那份文件提供了建议更改的细节We will never know the precise details of his death.我们永远都不会知道他死亡的确切细节She gave the facts of the case in stark and sobering detail.她冷静地描述了案件残酷的细节The details of the agreement need more exact statement.协议的细节需要更加确切的表达。If I were you, I wouldn't volunteer any details of what happened.要是我的话,我不会主动说出所发生事情的任何细节Spare me the gory details.别跟我说那些血淋淋的细节The actors studied all of the particularities of the script.演员们研究了剧本的所有细节He could not speak to the details of the new plan.他不能谈论计划的细节Let me refresh your memory about the details of our plans in case anyone asks any awkward questions.让我向你讲一讲计划的细节以加深印象,免得万一有人提问刁难。Could we have a meeting so we can firm up the details of our agreement?我们能不能开个会,把协议细节确定下来?I can't give you details because I don't actually have any details.我没办法给你提供细节,因为我并不了解任何细节The lack of financial detail means people are being asked to vote for a pig in a poke.不提供财务细节就是让人们盲目投票。We have to get down to the down-and-dirty details.我们得从基本的细节着手。It was an abbreviated document without detailed proposals.这是一份省去了建议细节的文件简本。His confessions to the two killings did reveal special knowledge such as could only have been known by the killer.他在两宗谋杀案的供状中的确透露出一些只有杀手本人才知道的特殊细节When I look at her paintings I'm always struck by the fineness of the details.我欣赏她的画作时,总是被她对细节的精细刻画所打动。You have to study the nuts and bolts of English grammar.你必须研读英文文法的基本细节He guided us through the intricacies of the divorce law.他给我们解释了离婚法错综复杂的细节They have been guarding the details of their research.他们一直对他们研究的细节保密。




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