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词汇 airlines
例句 He is seeking unspecified damages from the airlines for personal injury.他正寻求向航空公司索取人身伤害赔偿,金额未知。Most airlines are using electronic ticketing now.大多数航空公司现在都采用电子售票形式。Train travel was eclipsed by the growth of commercial airlines.商业航空的发展使铁路交通黯然失色。Increased competition among airlines will prove to be a boon to tourists.航空公司之间竞争加剧将使游客受惠。Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效,降低票价。The airlines are trying to win back passengers by offering special low fares at certain times.该航空公司正试图通过提供时段性特惠票价把乘客争取回来。Budget airlines could revitalize underused airports.廉价航空公司能够让未被充分利用的机场重获生机。The airlines have turned to alcoholic drinks to keep its planes full of passengers.航空公司向乘客提供含酒精的饮料以使航班满座。The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。Most airlines offer reduced prices for children.大多数航空公司都为儿童提供折扣票价。The two airlines will cooperate on ticketing and schedules.两家航空公司将在票务和航班安排上展开合作。We are calling for all airlines to be smoke-free.我们在呼吁所有航空公司都禁烟。Planes are crowded, airlines overbook, and departures are almost never on time.飞机上很拥挤,航班也超员预订,而且起飞几乎从来没有准时过。Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。After one airline lowers their fares, the other airlines usually follow suit.通常,一家航空公司降价后,其他航空公司会纷纷效仿。Most airlines now allow electronic ticketing.绝大多数航空公司现在允许出售电子票。As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers.航空公司被指控欺骗消费者。Most airlines have trimmed back their operations.大多数航空公司都精简了业务。All the major airlines fly direct to Los Angeles.所有大航空公司都有直飞洛杉矶的航线。The airlines charge half-price for the students. Incidentally, I've already bought my ticket to New York.航空公司对学生收半价。顺便说一句,我已经买了去纽约的机票。Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets.不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。The airlines charge half price for students.航空公司对学生收半价。We've all heard horror stories about airlines losing people's luggage.我们都听说过一些航空公司弄丢乘客行李这样很令人不快的事。The campaign has highlighted differences in seat pitch between competing airlines.宣传活动突出了相互竞争的航空公司之间在座椅纵距上的差异。Two leading airlines have been accused of price-fixing.两大航空公司被指控操纵价格。This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily.这迫使航空公司将机票大幅打折。The government will name and shame the worst-performing airlines.政府将会把业绩最差的航空公司曝光。The airlines are engaged in another price war.各航空公司陷入了另一场价格战。Railroads, trucks, bus lines, and airlines are all engaged in transportation.铁路、卡车、公共汽车和航空公司都从事客货运输。Prices on charter airlines are usually lower.包机的价格通常要低一些。Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣。Investing in airlines is a very risky business.投资航空业风险很大。The research raises questions about the policies of airlines.这项研究对航空公司的政策提出了质疑。Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。There is a lot of competition between rival airlines.航空公司对手之间竞争激烈。Asian airlines remained untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲各航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers.这家航空公司遭到向顾客漫天要价的指责。The two airlines will integrate their services.这两家航空公司将把它们的服务整合到一起。Most airlines offer freebies to children traveling on their planes.大多数航空公司送赠品给乘坐他们飞机旅行的儿童。




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