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The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for assembly.零部件在这家工厂生产,然后运到另一个国家进行组装。I've got all the pieces; now I just have to fit them together.我有全部零件;现在只需把它们组装起来。Little Gordon should have been sticking Heinkel bomber kits together.小戈登本该一直粘贴组装亨克尔轰炸机模型的。I had a spot of trouble putting the bicycle together.我组装这辆自行车时遇到点困难。Production had shifted completely to the assembly of wheelbarrows and other gardening equipment.生产已完全转成了组装手推车和其他园艺设备。The emergency building is transported in individual modules, such as bedrooms and a kitchen, which are put together on site.应急住房以单独的组件运输,如卧室和厨房,它们可以当场进行组装。I bought the desk already assembled.我买了一张早已组装好的书桌。The units can be conjoined to form grids.这些部件可以组装成格栅。The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal.那幢新的高层建筑是一块一块地组装起来的。Some assembly is required.有些部分需要组装一下。The shelves are available in kit form or fully assembled.架子有套装,也有完全组装好了的。The two pieces fit together perfectly.这两个部件组装起来刚刚好。His bicycle was in pieces in the garage.他的自行车在车库里还没有组装好。Assemble the table exactly as shown in the diagram on the left.严格按照左图把桌子组装起来。Badly-built kit cars can be death traps.质量低劣的组装汽车可能成为死亡陷阱。The instructions tell you how to configure the kit correctly.说明书上有怎样正确组装配套元件的说明。I spent an hour putting the machine together and I'll be damned if it didn't fall apart as soon as I tried to use it. 我花了一小时把这台机器组装好,没想到正要用时,它就散架了。The instructions for assembling the toy are very involved.这个玩具的组装说明书非常复杂。I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.我把家伙组装起来,检查了一下击发和反冲机构,装上子弹。He's making a model car from a kit.他在用成套组件组装汽车模型。Will you help me put this desk together?你能不能帮我组装这张桌子?Their father helped them assemble their new bicycles in the garage.父亲在车库里帮他们组装新自行车。All the components should be tested before they are assembled.所有的部件在组装前都必须经过检测。The factories no longer relied upon a mechanic to put together looms within the plant.工厂不再依靠机修工在车间里组装织机。Bolt the components together.把元器件组装在一起。I took apart the engine piece by piece and put it back together again.我把发动机拆卸成一部分一部分的,然后又组装起来。He assembled the rifle piece by piece.他一个部件一个部件地把步枪组装好。The apprentices worked in the shed where the new locomotives were assembled and the old ones repaired.学徒们在工作棚里组装新机车,修理旧机车。He read the instructions through twice before he tried to assemble the bicycle.他把说明书通读了两遍之后才试着组装自行车。The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France.飞机将继续在法国组装。The assembly of the parts of the machine took several hours.组装这台机器的零件花了好几个小时。The cars are assembled by robots.这些车是由自动机械组装的。Anybody can knock up a prefabricated shed.组装的小屋谁都会搭。For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.在那天余下的时间里,他继续组装爆炸装置。The two pieces fit each other perfectly.这两个部件组装起来刚刚好。Building a computer has many benefits over buying one.组装一台电脑比买一台电脑好处多。I spent Sunday assembling emergency kits for the expedition.星期天一整天我都花在了组装探险应急套件上。He's building his own computer.他在组装自己的计算机。He built his own computer.他的计算机是自己组装的。The cars are assembled on an assembly line.轿车在装配线上进行组装。 |