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词汇 线路
例句 The Northern Line is the worst on the London Underground.北线是伦敦地铁最糟糕的线路My room is wired for cable.我的房间布了有线电视线路That bus doesn't run on Sundays.那个线路的公交车星期天不运营。He fixed the radio's wiring.他修理了收音机的线路The wires all crossed each other and formed a matrix.线路纵横交错形成一个电路网。The delivery man finished his run early.送货员很早就送完了这条线路上的货物。Fires broke out at three railway stations, halting service on two commuter lines for several hours.三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。The electrician has diagnosed a fault in the wiring.电工查出了一处线路故障。All the rooms have been wired for cable TV.所有房间都已布好有线电视线路This route can cut as much as five minutes off your driving time.这条线路可以让你缩短五分钟的行车时间。Your fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit.你的保险丝烧断了,因为你让线路超过了负荷。The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors.这家航空公司打算把他们的国际线路拍卖给以前的竞争对手。This tour includes the area's best-known natural features, including the Gullfoss waterfall.本次旅行的线路包括了该地区最知名的自然景观,其中就有居德瀑布。The line is crackly.线路噼啪作响。The phone bill gives a breakdown of the cost of the line rental and of calls.电话账单列出了线路租金和通话费用的明细。A roomful of wiring and circuits can now be reduced to a tiny computer chip.满屋子的线路和电路现在可以简化为一块小小的计算机芯片。We were disconnected in the middle of a call.我们正打电话时线路中断了。The fire could possibly have been caused by faulty wiring.这场火灾可能是线路故障引发的。Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。Our office phone feeds off the line in the other office.我们办公室的电话线是从另一个办公室的线路上接过来的。Take the green line and change at the first stop.乘绿色线路,在第一站换车。The line went dead. Whitlock replaced the receiver.线路中断了,惠特洛克把听筒放回原处。Faulty wiring in the train station caused a signal to malfunction.火车站的线路故障导致了信号灯失灵。In some respects, DSL is superior to cable for Internet access.从某些角度看,数字用户线路在上网方面优于电缆。We took a cross-country route instead of the motorway.我们走越野线路而不是高速公路。There's a lot of wiring in that radio.那台收音机内有好多线路The Southwest climb is recommended only for more experienced climbers.西南面的登山线路只推荐给更有经验的登山者。We'd better get an electrician to check the wiring before we start decorating.在装修之前,我们最好找电工来检查一下线路All lines are busy – please call back later.所有的线路都占线,请稍后再打电话来。The local bus company only runs a skeleton service on Sundays.当地公交公司在星期天仅运营最基本的线路Only a small elite among mountaineers can climb these routes.登山者中只有少数佼佼者才能攀登这些线路The bus driver did not seem to know the route.公共汽车司机似乎不熟悉这条线路The terminal stop for this line is Boston.这条线路的终点站是波士顿。There were two fuel lines coming into the engine.有两条燃料线路接入发动机。Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路A new bus line runs straight to the airport.一条新的巴士线路直抵机场。We need to call in an electrician to sort out the wiring.我们需要叫电工来安排线路Instead of her normal southward course towards Alexandria and home, she headed west.她没有像往常一样选择前往亚历山大和回家的南行线路,而是向西走了。The line had been out of order for some time.线路故障已经有些日子了。Many trains have been cancelled and a limited service is operating on other lines.多趟列车被取消,其他线路上运行的班次也很有限。




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