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词汇 coverage
例句 The media's coverage of the election has been skewed from the very beginning.媒体对此次大选的报道从一开始就有偏颇。There's been massive television coverage of the World Cup.有大量关于世界杯的电视报道。I was disappointed at the lack of media coverage.我对缺乏媒体报道感到失望。Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues.通过卫星发射的信号覆盖全世界,从而产生了大量的观众并在全球范围内赚取不菲的广告费。But something still jarred in the media coverage of this sad case.但在媒体对这一悲惨案件的报道里,仍然有什么东西让人不安。The resignation was given widespread coverage.这一辞职被广泛报道。The wedding had wide press coverage.婚礼受到新闻界的广泛报道。The TV company was given a special award for its news coverage.这家电视公司获得了新闻报道特别奖。The AIDS conference received extensive media coverage.媒体对这次艾滋病大会作了大量的报道。Millions of listeners/viewers tuned in for coverage of the presidential debate.数百万听众收听/观众收看了总统竞选辩论。She added a rider to her life insurance policy that increased her coverage.她在她的寿险保单上又加了一条附文,扩大了她的投保范围。The insurance provides coverage for workers and their dependents.这个保险的覆盖范围包括工人及其家属。The scandal became the primary focus of the day's news coverage.这桩丑闻成了当天新闻报道的中心话题。The satellite TV station is providing total coverage of the Olympic Games.卫星电视台正在全面转播奥林匹克运动会。The allegations received widespread media coverage.这些指控被媒体作了广泛报道。Media coverage of cycling in July was pretty impressive.关于七月举行的自行车赛,媒体的报道给人印象非常深刻。Business liability protection will provide coverage for damages in the event of a legal claim.商业责任保护险在遇到法律索赔时提供损害赔偿。We'd love to give full coverage to all parties and candidates.我们很愿意对各党派和候选人进行充分的报道。Apply it with a damp natural sponge for the smoothest coverage over a large area.用潮湿的天然海绵涂抹,以达到在大片面积内最光滑的覆盖效果。The agency hopes to expand coverage of new musical talent on its Internet site.该机构希望在它的互联网网站上增加对音乐新秀的介绍。Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.媒体大量报道这些事件只会使问题持续下去。The radio and newspapers gave the trial wide coverage.广播和报纸广泛报道了这场庭审。Don't forget to tune in to our special news coverage this evening.不要忘了收看今晚我们的特别新闻报道。The study aims to examine bias in television news coverage.这项研究旨在调查电视新闻报道中的偏向。Newspapers, television and radio are all providing saturation coverage.报纸、电视和电台全都在铺天盖地地报道。TV coverage of the Games has been patchy.有关运动会的电视转播一直都很不稳定。Heavy cloud coverage is expected over the lake.湖面上空将有厚厚的云层覆盖。TV coverage of the match had to be extended when it went into extra time.比赛进入加时赛阶段,电视台不得不延长转播时间。More satellites are needed to provide telephone coverage in remote areas.需要更多的人造卫星覆盖边远地区的电话服务。The story dominated local news coverage.这件事占了当地新闻报道的大半篇幅。There is a wide spread of stories jostling for coverage on today's front pages.有大量各种题材的报道争着上今天报纸的头版。Their coverage of the riot was criticized for ignoring its causes.他们对那场骚乱的报道因忽略了其起因而受到了批评。The newspaper is proud of the depth of its coverage of international affairs.这家报纸对自己国际时事报道的深度感到自豪。Network news coverage often lacks depth.电视网络上的新闻报道常常缺乏深度。The defense claims that the media coverage prejudiced the trial. 被告声称媒体报道对审判产生了不良影响。A flexible health insurance plan gives patients more choice about doctors and coverage.灵活的医疗保险方案使患者对医生和保险范围有了更多的选择余地。The crime received heavy coverage in the mass media.这桩罪案受到大众传媒的广泛报道。Microblogs, for example on Twitter, can be for anything from "what I'm doing now" to coverage of serious political events.以推特为例,微博客可以用来说“我现在在干什么”,也可以覆盖严肃的政治事件。ABC has exclusive rights to television coverage of the Olympics.美国广播公司获得了奥运会的独家电视转播权。Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races.现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。




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