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词汇 纷纷
例句 During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.在暴乱中成百上千的人纷纷趁机偷窃财物。After the catastrophe, everybody in the city was feverish for news.这场大灾难发生以后,城里人人都坐立不安地纷纷探听消息。The bank's decision to raise rates could be the thin end of the wedge. 这家银行提高利率的决定可能引起其他银行纷纷效仿。The colonies rebelled against the mother country.各殖民地纷纷起来反抗母国。Goods poured in from the four corners of the world.世界各地的商品纷纷涌来。Charges of corruption have been levelled against him.有关腐败的指控纷纷指向了他。Houses were going up quickly.房屋很快就纷纷兴建起来。Rice showered down on the newlyweds as they left the church.新婚夫妇走出教堂时,大米纷纷洒落到他们身上。The heat was overwhelming and people were dropping like flies.酷暑难当,人们纷纷病倒。The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration.移民纷纷涌入首都内罗毕,人满为患。Candidates were dropping like flies during the early part of the campaign.众多竞选者在竞选活动前期纷纷败下阵来。Small businesses have been collapsing one after another.小型企业纷纷倒闭。Friends of the actor paid tribute to his talent and expressed shock as news of his death became public.那位演员的死讯公布后,他的朋友纷纷赞扬他的天赋并表达震惊之情。Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.昨天这位著名演员去世后,世界各国人士纷纷表示哀悼。The soldiers fled before the advancing enemy and let the devil take the hindmost.士兵们在进逼的敌军面前纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。As the King approached, photographers leapt into action.国王一走近,摄影记者们纷纷拍起照来。We were totally overwhelmed by the response to our appeal.人们纷纷响应我们的呼吁,令人感动莫名。The heat was so intense that people were dropping like flies. 天如此之热,人们纷纷中暑倒下。Smart country people are fleeing back to the shires.精明的乡下人正纷纷逃回各郡。There has been a lot of talk about a merger with another leading bank.人们纷纷传言要和另一家大银行合并。She was now so famous that the newspaper reporters were beating a path to her door.她现在大名鼎鼎,报社记者们都纷纷上门去采访她。When they heard the police sirens, they all set about saving their own skins.听到警车号笛,他们便纷纷逃窜。Political leaders are busy staking out their positions on this issue.政治领导人们纷纷忙于表明自己在这个问题上的立场。Reporters from five different news sources converged on her after the game.比赛结束后,五家不同媒体的记者纷纷向她涌来。Throughout the plane oxygen masks dropped from plastic compartments.整个机舱内,氧气面罩纷纷从塑料存放盒中掉落。The demonstrators melted away at the first sign of trouble.一有出事迹象示威者就纷纷散去。Customers mobbed the store on its first day of opening.商店开张的第一天顾客纷纷涌入购物。A lot of the old Victorian buildings are being pulled down to make way for chain stores.许多维多利亚时代的旧楼都纷纷被拆了,以腾出地方来建连锁店。New businesses are starting up all over the state.新企业在州内各地纷纷涌现。The press was out in force at the awards ceremony.记者纷纷去采访颁奖仪式。The overproduction of oil caused the fuel companies to lower their prices.石油生产过剩导致燃料公司纷纷降低价格。The top shelf broke and books showered down.顶层架子断裂了,书纷纷掉落下来。Relatives and friends showered good wishes on the bride and bridegroom.亲朋好友纷纷向新娘新郎祝福。Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.出口商、农场主和实业家们都很恼火,纷纷谴责政府。Civilians were fleeing in all directions as soldiers yelled at them to get off the streets.听到士兵大叫着让他们从街上撤离,平民百姓们纷纷四处逃散。The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.袭击发动后,居民们纷纷奔逃躲避。It had snowed heavily during the night and in the morning the city was a white fairyland.夜里大雪纷纷,清晨城市成了白色的仙境。The cream of India's scientists are being attracted abroad by highly paid jobs.印度的精英科学家被海外的高薪工作吸引而纷纷出国。Outraged viewers jumped onto social media to complain about the ending of the series.许多愤怒的观众纷纷在社交平台上对连续剧的结局表示不满。Many people fear that the newly elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good.很多人担心新当选的政府会被军事政变推翻,所以趁形势尚稳定纷纷离开自己的国家。




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