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词汇 纯净
例句 You can purify water by boiling and filtering it.你可以用煮沸和过滤的方式使水纯净They worried about the purity of tap water.他们担心自来水是否纯净The company bottles only the purest water.这家公司只把最纯净的水装瓶。Clean air is a valuable natural resource that needs to be protected.纯净空气是一种珍贵的自然资源,应当加以保护。In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.在偏远地区,空气很纯净,庄稼也不施用有毒的杀虫剂。You can dip that cup into the stream and take a drink of the pristine mountain water.你可以把杯子浸入溪水中,舀一杯纯净的山泉水喝。The water in the lake is so pure you can drink it.湖水非常纯净,可以饮用。The soprano's crystalline vocal quality is allied to a technique of great flexibility.这位女高音歌手清澈纯净的嗓音与极为灵活的演唱技巧有关。There was a purity and a peace in his life.他的生活纯净平和。They are breathing pure oxygen.他们在呼吸纯净的氧气。In theory, having made a clean breast of it, Sam should have felt purer and lighter of heart.理论上说,萨姆供认之后应该会从内心中感到更加纯净和轻松。Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.有机食品是未使用人工化学制剂和杀虫剂的纯净食品。Her voice, clear and pure, soared up to the roof.她的嗓音清晰纯净,声振屋宇。The mountain air was wonderfully pure.山上的空气极为纯净Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.她的嗓音纯净、清澈。




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