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词汇 纪念碑
例句 Victorianize a historic monument把历史纪念碑建成维多利亚式A memorial to her was erected after her death.她逝世后为她竖立了一座纪念碑Leave the monument on the right and cross the bridge.经过右手边的纪念碑,再往前过桥。By the road was a memorial to victims of the bombing.路边是一块悼念那次轰炸的受害者的纪念碑A large monument was erected on the battlefield.战场上矗立起一座大型纪念碑A flame is kept constantly burning at the monument.纪念碑前的火焰长明不熄。We came to the memorial to burn a candle for the victims of the accident.我们来到纪念碑前为事故的遇难者点燃蜡烛。The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has become one of the most-visited places in Washington.在华盛顿,越战老兵的纪念碑已经成为人们到访最多的地方之一。The city raised a monument in his honor.市政府建了一座纪念碑来纪念他。The visitors were touched by the grandness of the monument.游客们被纪念碑的雄伟所感动。The president today unveiled a memorial to those who died in the disaster.总统今天为灾难遇难者纪念碑揭了幕。A group of youths hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.一群年轻人将他们的旗帜升到那座备受争议的纪念碑顶上。Every village had its war memorial.每个村庄都有自己的战争纪念碑The monument has been turned into a shrine to the dead and the missing.这座纪念碑已成为人们纪念那些死者和失踪者的神圣之地。My eyes grew misty as I read the inscription on the monument.读着纪念碑上的铭文,我的双眼湿润了。Plans are afoot to unveil a memorial.正在为纪念碑揭幕做准备。The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled by the Queen.缅怀战争死难者的纪念碑由女王揭幕。The monument was blessed with holy water and a traditional olive branch.这座纪念碑用传统的橄榄枝洒圣水祝福过。Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.头发花白的老兵们身着戎装聚集在战争纪念碑前。The princes laid a wreath at the Cenotaph.王子们向纪念碑献了花圈。This monument is sacred to the memory of the Unknown Soldiers.这一纪念碑是为纪念无名将士而建立的。The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.环绕着纪念碑的那个公园最近扩建了。Most of the monuments had been broken or defaced.大多数纪念碑都被打碎或者遭污损。A monument was dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who had died there.为纪念牺牲的士兵,在那儿建了一座纪念碑The visitors were swept past various monuments.游客们被带着走马观花地参观了各种纪念碑The monument stands as a chilling reminder of man's inhumanity to man.纪念碑耸立着,寒气逼人,提醒着人们人类对自己同类的惨无人道。The monument will stand just inside the cathedral.纪念碑将安放在大教堂内。There's a monument to Gray in the square.广场上有一座格雷纪念碑They have erected a monument in his honor.他们为他竖立了一座纪念碑That monument has been there since the year one.纪念碑已经立在那里好长时间了。A monument has been commissioned in his memory.已请人为他修一座纪念碑Although many of the stones have fallen out, the monument remains very well preserved.尽管许多石头都已经掉下来了,那个纪念碑仍保存得很好。A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets.在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。The monument was unveiled with great solemnity.纪念碑的揭幕仪式庄严肃穆。The monument was built in memory of all the soldiers who died in the war.这座纪念碑是为纪念所有在战争中死去的士兵而建的。The pyramids are a living monument to the skill of their builders.金字塔是其建造者高超技艺的传世纪念碑The monument was moved to a new resting place.纪念碑被安放到了新的地点。The monument is well worth a detour.纪念碑很值得我们绕道去看。The memorial is dedicated to all the soldiers who died in the war.这座纪念碑的落成是为了纪念在那场战争中阵亡的所有将士。We had a picnic on the lawn in front of the monument.我们在那座纪念碑前的草地上野炊。




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