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词汇 紧绷
例句 She saw his jaw tighten and his face lose its colour.她看见他下巴紧绷,面容失色。The stern set of the officer's jaw made Tony realize he was in trouble.长官紧绷的脸让托尼意识到自己有麻烦了。The rope tightened and strained.绳子拉紧绷住。Throughout the exercise, focus on keeping your abs tight.整个锻炼过程中,注意要紧绷腹肌。The tension was so great that the rope broke.绳子拉得太紧绷断了。The cloth was stretched tight over the frame.紧绷在架子上。The gentlest of her caresses would contort his already tense body.她最温柔的爱抚会让他已然紧绷的身体变得扭曲。Her whole body tautened violently.她全身紧绷得厉害。Can you feel the tension in your neck and shoulders?你能否感觉到颈部和肩部有紧绷感?He stared at me with angry eyes and a set jaw.紧绷下巴,用愤怒的目光盯着我。The canvas is stretched over a wooden frame.画布紧绷在木框上。Tight bras and knickers can cause unsightly bulges under close-fitting clothes.紧绷的胸罩和短衬裤使紧身的衣服撑得胀鼓鼓的,十分不雅。Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence.相反,她一脸严肃,面部紧绷,一声不吭地等着。Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame.把布紧绷在架子上。To relieve tight or scaly skin, add a teaspoon of fine oil to your bathwater.要舒缓紧绷或干涩粗糙的皮肤,在洗澡水中加一茶匙精制油。My nerves were constantly on edge.我的神经时刻处于紧绷状态。She stretched the canvas over the wooden frame.她把画布紧绷在木框上。His mouth tightened into a thin hard line.他的嘴紧绷成一道细缝。I felt my body involuntarily stiffen against her invasion of my personal space.她擅自闯入我的私人空间,我感觉全身都不由自主地紧绷起来。The painter stretched the canvas tightly over the frame.画家把画布紧绷在画架上。If you feel a tenseness around the eyes, relax your muscles.你要是觉得两眼周围紧绷,就放松一下肌肉。




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