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The peanuts were sugarcoated.花生米都被裹上了糖衣。The wedding-cake was elaborately iced.结婚蛋糕上挂着一层精致的糖衣。I've made her a chocolate cake - now I just need to ice it.我为她做了一个巧克力蛋糕,现在只需要加上糖衣。It became an annual tradition for me to ice the cake.给蛋糕涂上糖衣成了我一年一度的传统。Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.糖衣掩盖了药片的苦味。The pill is coated with sugar.这药丸包了糖衣。I made the icing while the cake was baking.趁烤面包的时候我做好了糖衣。 |