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词汇 糖果
例句 The child made a grab for the candy.小孩伸手去抓糖果Confectionery soon disgusts the palate.糖果很快使人吃腻。The children cast covert glances at the box of candy.孩子们偷偷向那盒糖果瞟上几眼。My mother always warned us never to take candy from strangers.我母亲总是告诫我们千万不要拿陌生人给的糖果I tried bribing her with sweets, but it didn't work.我试着用糖果哄她,但不起作用。He left the office to get a candy bar from the vending machine.他离开办公室去从自动售货机那里买一条糖果More than half of all confectionery is bought on impulse.半数以上的糖果是一时兴起买下的。Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets.威廉斯小姐没收了我们所有的糖果The kids always collect a substantial haul of candy on Halloween.孩子们总会在万圣节前夕收到大量糖果In his youth, William had been a dumpy little boy who ate too many sweets.威廉小时候是个胖胖的男孩,糖果吃得很多。The cough syrup tastes like candy.这种咳嗽糖浆的味道像糖果Jimmy stretched out his hand to take the candy.吉米伸手去拿糖果They were choosing sweets from one of the stalls.他们正在一个货摊上挑选糖果Sweets can decay the teeth.糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。Eating all that candy is bad for your teeth.把那些糖果全吃掉有损你的牙齿。They waited in silence and sucked their sweets.他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果Sally smiled to herself. It was easy to attract men. Like taking candy from a baby.萨莉自己暗暗笑了。吸引男人真是容易,就像哄小孩的糖果吃。We don't want the kids to fill themselves up with sweets just before they sit down to dinner.我们不想让小孩子们在坐下吃饭前用糖果填饱肚子。All the children were given a bag of goodies - mostly sweets and toys.所有的孩子都得到一包好东西——主要是糖果和玩具。The Confectionery Warehouse is a chocoholic's dream.糖果仓库是巧克力爱好者的梦幻之乡。The colorful packaging of many candy bars attracts the eyes of children.很多糖果棒绚丽多彩的包装吸引着孩子们的目光。When depressed, they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets.情绪低落的时候,她们就疯狂地猛吃巧克力和糖果I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop.我仍然是那个羞怯孤僻的小女孩,连在商店买糖果也不敢。He cut up the candy into little pieces and gave it to the child.他把糖果切成小块给那个孩子吃。Small boxes of candy were given out as favors at the wedding.小盒糖果被作为小礼物在婚礼上分发。I keep the sweets up here where the children can't get at them.我把糖果放在高处孩子们拿不到的地方。She worked as a packer for a candy company.她在一家糖果公司做包装工。Please don't drop sweet-wrappers in the street.请勿在街上乱丢糖果包装纸。Hey, greedy guts, leave those sweets alone. They're mine.喂,贪吃鬼,别动那些糖果,那是我的。The candies have a soft center. 这些糖果是软心的。The Confectionery Warehouse is a chocoholic's dream.糖果批发店是巧克力迷的天堂。Children who entered the room were all enticed by the assortment of confections which lay on the table.进了房间的孩子无不被摆在桌上的糖果所吸引。He got into trouble for stealing the sweets.他因为偷窃糖果惹上了麻烦。We feasted on nuts and candies and cake.我们尽情享用坚果、糖果和蛋糕。The children were greedy for more candy.孩子们贪心地想要更多的糖果They passed round some sweets.他们把一些糖果传递给大家。His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果They swiped some candy from the store.他们从商店偷了些糖果He opened a small store and sold self-made candies.他开了一家小店,出售自制的糖果The candy is chewy inside.糖果的糖芯耐嚼。




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