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词汇 精英
例句 These people form an elite who have the power to make decisions.这些人构成了有决定权的精英集团。The legal profession is starting to be less elitist and more representative.法律行业正开始变得更具平民性,不像从前那么精英化。Its crew were the cream of the navy.其船员都是海军中的精英They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.他们基本上是一些非常有钱有势的精英The Government came under fire yesterday for favouring elitist arts groups in the South-east.昨天,政府因为偏袒东南部的一些精英艺术群体而遭到抨击。She used her husband's money and family to get in with a group of Hollywood's social elite.她利用丈夫的财富和家庭关系结交了一群好莱坞社交精英The flower of Parisian high society attended the violin recital.巴黎上流社会的精英出席了那次小提琴独奏会。A select group of scientists has been invited to the conference.一群科学家精英已受邀参加会议。The lack of controls has led to widespread corruption and personal enrichment by many in the party elite.缺乏约束已导致腐败盛行,很多党内精英人士为己敛财。The school is staffed with handpicked educators and psychiatric specialists.这所学校配备有精英教员和精神科专家。The elitist civil service was accessible only to the upper echelons of society.只有上流社会人士才能进入精英化的公务员队伍。They are the flower of our nation.他们是我们民族的精英It became difficult to promote excellence without being accused of elitism.提倡追求杰出难免被指责为宣扬精英论。The sports association accepted the inevitability of a breakaway by the elite clubs.体育协会接受了精英俱乐部将脱离协会这一不可避免的事实。Those killed have been described as the flower of Polish manhood.那些牺牲者被称为波兰男子中的精英The cream of India's scientists are being attracted abroad by highly paid jobs.印度的精英科学家被海外的高薪工作吸引而纷纷出国。The landowners have always regarded themselves as an elite group within society.地主们一向将自己视为社会中的精英The country club is very elitist.这个乡村俱乐部是为精英办的。Universities such as Harvard accept only the cream of the crop.像哈佛这类大学只接受精英All the glamorous Washington elite were at the dinner that evening.华盛顿所有富有魅力的精英人士都出席了那天晚上的宴会。The Parachute Regiment are the elite of the British armed forces.伞兵部队是英国武装力量的精英We have a political elite in this country.我们国家有一群政治精英Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism?我们真的想回归到一种特权和精英政治的过时制度中吗?She was now in the big league of information scientists.她现在是信息科学家中的精英Discontent has been fed by the antics of the governing elite.统治精英的怪异行为引发了不满。The flower of the nation's youth were killed in the war.该国的青年精英都死于这场战争。Scientists are, by definition, the creme de la creme of a country's brainpower.科学家必定是一国人才中的精英The college was an elite institution based on privilege and the old school tie.大学是以特权和校友关系网为基础的精英机构。He belonged to an elite fighting force.他是一支精英战斗部队的成员。Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。The ruling elite had become increasingly anglicized.执政的精英人士变得越来越英国化了。He was one of the small select group assembled by Penney, at the High Explosive Research centre.他是彭尼在烈性炸药研究中心召集的精英小组的一员。Anyone who studied at the college joined an elite band of well-connected lawyers, doctors and businessmen.那所大学所有的学生都加入一个精英圈子,这个圈子里都是一些社会关系很广泛的律师、医生和商业界人士。The new house is spacious and aspirational.这幢新房子很宽敞,精英才俊值得拥有。




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