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词汇 管道
例句 The crankcase breathes through this duct.曲柄轴箱通过这个管道将内部压力调至大气压力。After the water main broke, the Monday-morning quarterbacks in the media criticized the city for not replacing the old pipes.自来水总管道破裂后,媒体界的事后诸葛亮们纷纷谴责市政府没更换老管道Warm water circulates through the pipes and warms the floor above it.温水通过管道流动,使上面的楼层变暖和。There's a problem with the piping in the building.大楼内的管道有问题。The pipeline is to be built with international support.这条管道将在国际援助下进行建设。A break in the pipe was found out.发现管道上有一处裂缝。The hospital is using bottled water while the pipes are flushed and an investigation is done.管道检查和冲洗期间,这家医院使用瓶装水。The pipeline runs through central Mozambique.管道从莫桑比克中部穿过。If the pipe is badly corroded, it should be replaced.如果管道腐蚀严重,就应该更换。The pipes banged as the heat came on.来暖气时管道发出砰砰的响声。Pipelines are coated to isolate the steel from surrounding moisture.管道加一层涂膜,使钢免受周围潮气的影响。The low levels of production were caused by sabotage of the northern pipeline.生产水平低下的原因是北部管道遭到破坏。The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上是由成千上万条微小管道构成的。Pipes hadn't been properly jointed, so we had constant leaks and floods.管道没有接好,所以老是漏水、跑水。The workmen who are fixing the plumbing/windows/roof have left their tools behind.修理管道/窗户/屋顶的工人忘了带走他们的工具。The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipes.这种化学物质腐蚀性很强,管道都被穿透了。Engineers have removed a section of the pipeline, making it about a hundred metres shorter.工程师拿掉了一段管道,把它缩短了约一百米。We'll need to have modern plumbing and wiring installed in the old house before we can move in.我们要在这栋老房子里装上新式的管道和线路后才能搬进来。The water is running out of the pipe into the bucket.水正从管道中流出注入水桶。They don't have the money to redo the plumbing right now.目前他们没钱把管道重新安装。The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.村民用管道从水库引来饮用水。Steam runs through the pipes.蒸汽从管道冒出。Flush the pipes out with clean water.用净水冲洗管道Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.工程师们发现管道并没有如预期的那样膨胀。Air is heated and then circulated through large ducts to all parts of the house.空气加热后通过大管道循环输送到房子的各处。They won't know what to do if a pipe bursts or if the heater packs up.如果管道爆裂或取暖器出了问题,他们是不知道该如何处理的。The pipes had frozen during the severe weather.管道在严寒的天气里冻住了。The plumbing in these flats is old and a lot of it is made of lead.这些公寓的管道老化了,而且很多都是铅制的。The houses all have lead pipework.所有这些房屋都安装了铅质管道The water is sucked upwards through the pipe.水通过管道被抽上来。Water will need to be pipelined to the canal.需要用管道将水输送到运河中。Insulating your pipes will save on your heating bills.管道加上绝热层可以节省取暖费用。The ducts draw out stale air.这些管道将污浊的空气抽出来。Be sure to lag the pipe to prevent heat loss.要确保给管道加隔热层以防热损耗。The pipes in the attic gurgle in the night and keep me awake.夜里,阁楼的管道里发出咕噜咕噜的水声,让我难以入眠。Lift some loose floorboards to get at the pipes.掀起几块松动的地板就接触到管道A pipe was leaking, so we put a bucket underneath to catch the drips.一条管道漏水,我们就在下面放了一个水桶接滴下来的水。She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.她学会了亲自铺设家里的线缆和管道The water froze inside the pipe, causing it to expand and burst.管道里的水结成了冰,导致管身膨胀爆裂。The plumbers made a botch of the pipes. 管道工们把管道修得实在糟糕。




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