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Senior managers are being aggressively recruited by companies.公司正在千方百计地招募高级管理者。Managers' motives are always going to be open to question.管理者的动机总是会受到公开质疑。Administrators need to establish a close liaison with employees.管理者需要与员工建立紧密的联系。Lord Blindingham was an able administrator.布林丁翰勋爵是位能干的管理者。Regulators may gum up an efficient system.管理者可能会使一个行之有效的制度陷于瘫痪。They view their role as essentially managerial.他们把自己的角色定义为实质上的管理者。Making such decisions is not the sole prerogative of managers.作这类决定并不是管理者的专有特权。The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security.人们普遍认为管理者追求的目标无非是地位、权力、薪酬和安全感。The union and the management are on a collision course.工会与管理者势必发生冲突。The success of almost any project depends largely on its manager.几乎所有项目的成功很大程度上都取决于管理者的能力。Most managers couldn't care less about information technology. More fool them.多数的经理管理者根本不关心信息技术,他们真的很傻。They have to be willing to accept their roles as caregivers and not managers.他们不得不同意接受他们要充当的是照顾者而不是管理者这一事实。The college runs a course for would-be arts administrators.该学院为未来的艺术品管理者开设培训课程。There's a big split between the attitudes of managers and junior staff.管理者与低级职员的态度存在很大的不同。Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.管理者可能会在男性和女性身上看重不同的才干,这就进一步强化了性别成见。Administrators need to maintain better/closer liaison with employees.管理者需要与员工建立更好/更紧密的联系。I was never privy to conversations between top management.高层管理者之间的对话我从不知情。How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。The problem lies in the lack of communication between managers and staff.问题在于管理者与员工之间缺乏交流。Workers and management have been at each other's throats.工人们和管理者吵得不可开交。Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。Managers are naturally biased towards / toward projects showing a quick return.管理者自然对回报快的项目抱有偏爱。Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.他们周五去投票站选举他们想要的国家管理者。Television executives learned that violent shows attract more viewers, and pretty soon it was violence on parade all day long.电视台管理者发现暴力节目会吸引更多观众,于是没多久就开始全天播出暴力节目。He has a job in middle management.他是一位中层管理者。Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold.任何一个成功的管理者都是千金难求。 |