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词汇 管理人员
例句 The report levels criticism at senior managers.报告将批评的矛头指向高级管理人员The job went to Yuri Skokov, a capable administrator.尤里·斯科科夫得到了这份工作,他是一位能干的管理人员The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.远程学习的灵活性尤其适合忙碌的管理人员The administrators ordered random strip searches of all prisoners.管理人员下令对所有犯人进行随机光身搜查。Many NHS managers say the Government is too interfering, burdening them with centrally imposed targets and guidelines.很多提供国民保健服务的管理人员说,政府干预过多,用中央强加的目标和指导方针向自己施压。Senior managers are directly accountable to the Board of Directors.高层管理人员直接对董事会负责。Several of the company's executives are under investigation.公司的几位管理人员正在接受调查。All the managerial personnel at the factory are hired on contract.工厂所有管理人员都是聘用的。Few managers attend the meetings.这些会议很少有管理人员参加。The official showed up to tell her to turn in her library books.那名管理人员出面让她返还所借图书馆的书。I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.我不设想自己将成为管理人员,但很希望成为商品营销顾问。A few of the top executives are women, but this is still exceptional.最高层的管理人员中有几位是女性,但这仍很罕见。The foregoing list could engender a sense of hopelessness in any manager.前面的那份清单会让任何一名管理人员感到绝望。Inefficient managers will be rooted out.不称职的管理人员将被开除。Jupe is an academic high-flyer and a gifted administrator.尤佩是一名学术翘楚,也是一名有才干的行政管理人员This decision should be taken at a higher management level.这个决定应该由更高层管理人员来作出。You'll have to go see the people in admin.你得去见见管理人员Managers can become wedded to a certain way of doing things.管理人员在行事方式上可能会形成一套固定的做法。This might be a good time for Button's management to study the fine print of his contract.这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机。Stuart doesn't have the backbone to be a good manager.斯图尔特不具备一个优秀管理人员应有的毅力。They hired a thundering herd of corporate executives.他们雇用了一群杰出的公司管理人员It is difficult to retain top management.留住高层管理人员很困难。We need better communication between management and staff.我们需要管理人员和普通职员之间进行更好的沟通。Before reaching a decision the chairman usually talks to senior managers.作出决定前董事长通常要和高级管理人员商量。Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.其他行业只得精简管理人员以减少行政开支。Hospital managers are urging the government to spend more on health.医院管理人员强烈要求政府加大对医疗卫生工作的投入。Administrators need to liaise with employees at the factory, and the personnel department needs to liaise between the administrators and the employees.在工厂里管理人员需要和员工建立联系,而人事部门需要在管理人员和员工之间做沟通工作。The women allege that top male executives routinely fondled female employees.那些妇女指控男性高级管理人员经常对女雇员动手动脚。The hotel management advises guests to deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.酒店管理人员建议客人把贵重物品存放在酒店保险箱内。Young people are the seed corn management of the future.年轻人是未来的管理人员It was refreshing to meet a woman executive.见到女性管理人员让人感觉很新鲜。Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers.龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。Older managers have been discarded in favour / favor of younger people.年龄较大的管理人员已遭弃用,由年轻一些的接手。Several managers have tried to increase the speed and accuracy of the workers.一些管理人员已在设法提高工人的速度和准确性。The proposal will be carefully examined by a committee of executives, planners and consultants.这项提议将由一个管理人员、策划人员和顾问组成的委员会仔细审核。The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures.其目的是教导商界管理人员逐渐学会欣赏不同的文化。Many senior managers are technologically illiterate.很多高级管理人员对技术一窍不通。The management's preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in quality and customer service.管理人员过于追求成本效益和利润,导致了产品质量和客户服务水平的下降。Many companies still treat their management staff better than their workers.很多公司给管理人员的待遇仍然比给工人的要好。




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