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词汇 count
例句 I wouldn't count your chickens, Mr Vass. I've agreed to sign the contract, but that's all.瓦斯先生,是你的话就不会高兴得这么早。我同意签合同了,但仅此而已。What does it count?这有什么关系? The count lived in that big house.伯爵曾经住在那幢大房子里。It's the wages that count. Not over-generous, but there you are.重要的是工钱,不要过于慷慨,但也没办法。Two minutes after getting into bed, I was out for the count. 上床后两分钟,我就沉沉地睡着了。Now it's time to count up the profits. Ka-ching!现在是计算利润的时候啦,钱儿响叮当!I've lost count.我已经数不清了。The pollen count is very high in the spring.春天的花粉计数非常高。If you are looking for people to help you clean the house today, count me out. 如果你今天找人帮你打扫房屋,别把我算上。You can always count on John to tell it like it is.你可以相信约翰,他从来都是实话实说。Lack of experience will generally count against you in an interview.一般而言,缺乏工作经验会成为面试的不利因素。It will count up to a large amount.总数将相当可观。You can count on me for everything in the future.你将来的一切可全靠我。If you're going for a picnic this weekend, count me in.如果这个周末你们去野餐,把我也算上。It's easier if you count things up in order, so that you don't get confused.依次点数容易些,这样就不会搞混。Your final exam will count for half of the semester's grade.你期末考试的成绩将占本学期分数的一半比例。He's has had so many different girlfriends lately that I no longer can keep count.他最近有太多女朋友,我都记不清具体数目了。Our daily count of Web traffic tells us many people are visiting our site.每日网站流量盘点显示,有很多人访问我们的网站。My effort in class has to count for something!我在课堂上的努力一定会有回报!After we've closed, we count the day's takings.关门之后,我们点数一天的进款。When I first came to college I realized that brainpower didn't count for much.初到大学时,我意识到智力并不那么重要。The trial resulted in acquittals on all but one count.审判结果是除一项罪名之外其他罪名都不成立。I could count the number of times he's paid for dinner on the fingers of one hand.他付晚餐费用的次数屈指可数。I don't count him as my friend anymore.我不再把他当朋友了。Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them, and under the commanders' definition of humanitarian aid, that didn't count.其中两辆卡车被拦住了,因为车里装着帐篷,而根据指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不符合标准。The teacher learned the children how to count.老师教孩子们如何计数。He was behind/ahead in the count. 他投出的球数落后/领先。We can always count on them to help us in times of need. 需要帮助时,我们总可以向他们求助。We did a quick count of the children and there were none missing.我们很快地数了数孩子,一个都不少。Can your daughter count yet?你女儿会数数了吗?If you want to go on a date sometime, you can ask me. But don't count your chickens.如果你什么时候想约我出去玩玩,那就来约我,但是也不要有太大的指望。Children count on their parents for love and security.孩子们靠父母给他们爱和安全感。The patient has a low blood count.这个病人血细胞计数低。The school overspent on its budget last year, and now it's having to count the cost.学校去年超支,现在尝到苦头了。When the game gets started, you can count me in.比赛开始的话,也可以算我一个。He knows that he can count on his hard-core supporters.他知道他可以依靠自己的狂热支持者。Don't talk to me or I'll lose count.别和我说话,要不我会忘了总数。When it comes to finding a partner, first impressions do count.说到寻觅伴侣,第一印象确实很重要。Her white blood cell count is slightly elevated.她的白细胞计数稍微偏高。The rising body count fueled opposition to the war.不断增加的死亡人数引发了反战呼声。




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