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词汇 笨蛋
例句 I always said I will never call him silly or stupid because if you call them that they'll feel that way.我过去总是说我永远都不会叫他傻子或者笨蛋,因为如果你这么叫别人的话,他们也会这样认为的。My brother-in-law is a real muttonhead.我的姊夫真是一个笨蛋Oh you dope, you bought the wrong one.噢,你这笨蛋,你拿错了。Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.一个骑摩托车的笨蛋差点儿把我撞倒了。Don't you know I was kidding, you sap?笨蛋,你不知道我是在开玩笑吗? I told you it wouldn't work, you dingbat!我跟你说了这个行不通,你这个笨蛋Some moron smashed into the back of my car yesterday.昨天一个笨蛋追了我的车尾。He makes 'em look like bozos.他使他们看上去像笨蛋似的。Listen, you jerk. A boy almost got killed just now.听着,笨蛋。一个男孩刚才差点丧命。She loves you, you dummy.她爱你,你这个笨蛋All the sales managers here are complete morons.这里所有的销售经理都是十足的笨蛋Her brother's a real birdbrain.她哥哥真是个笨蛋That jerk was flirting with the boss' daughter.那个笨蛋和老板的女儿调情。That dodo can't do anything right.那个笨蛋什么也干不好。I've met a lot of dumb people.我遇到过很多笨蛋I'll deal with this clown some other time.我改天再好好修理这个笨蛋That wasn't an officer, that was a porter, you dope!那不是军官,只是个搬运工,你这个笨蛋!That's what it's supposed to look like, you clot.本来就该是那个样子的,你这个笨蛋The silly sod forgot to tell them.那个笨蛋忘了告诉他们。He was enough of a fool to do that.他真是个笨蛋,去做这么一件事。You dummy - you don't know the answer!你这个笨蛋——你不知道答案!They swindled that sucker out of his money.他们诈取那个笨蛋的钱。It was all your fault, you idiot.全是你的错,你这笨蛋I'd rather leave the business than work with such a nit.我宁愿不干这一行也不愿与这么一个笨蛋合作。I feel like a dumbbell for making such a stupid mistake.我真是个笨蛋,犯下这么愚蠢的错误。We've got a right one here, eh!“我们这儿有个笨蛋,是不是!”The darn fool got lost on the way.这该死的笨蛋居然迷了路。The people running that company are a bunch of nincompoops!经营那家公司的人是一群笨蛋Today's front page of The Sun carries a banner headline 'The adulterer, the bungler and the joker.'《太阳报》今日头版大标题为《奸夫、笨蛋和小丑》。Some fool driver kept trying to pass me!有个笨蛋司机一直想超我的车!You blessed fool, look what you've done to my car!你这该死的笨蛋,瞧你把我的车子搞成什么样子了! I'll look a right wally in these shorts!如果穿这条短裤,我看起来会像个十足的笨蛋He was acting like a complete/total plonker.他的行为像个十足的笨蛋Give that back, you idiot!把那东西还回去,你这笨蛋I wish he would get married. A wife might make something of this imbecile.要是他结了婚就好了,做妻子的或许会使这个笨蛋成为有用之人的。I can't believe what a putz that guy is.我难以相信这家伙竟是这么个笨蛋I could write for TV as well as any of those goofs.我写的电视剧肯定一点儿不比那帮笨蛋写得差。I'm a real spaz on the ski slopes.在滑雪道上我是个十足的笨蛋What a dope he is.他真是个笨蛋Look what you've done, you clot!看看你干了什么,笨蛋




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