例句 |
Some bozo forgot to shut the door.某个笨家伙忘记关门了。A cabbage like Taylor, who doesn't seem to know a full-back from a winger, wouldn't have a chance.像泰勒那样连边锋和后卫好像都分不清的笨家伙,肯定没机会。Some careless idiot forgot to lock the door and the dog got out.有个粗心的笨家伙忘了锁门,狗跑出去了。Well you shouldn't have drunk so much, should you, you daft bugger!你本不该喝这么多酒的,对吧,你这笨家伙!Ow, you trod on my foot, you clumsy brute!噢,你踩到我脚了,你这个笨家伙! |