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词汇 笑话
例句 He treated his approaching death as a sort of cosmic joke.他把即将到来的死亡当作天大的笑话Some of his jokes were a bit near the knuckle.他说的一些笑话有点近乎下流。She laughed at the joke.这个笑话把她逗笑了。Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.笑话能在讲述者与听者之间建立一种亲密的关系。How can I forget, with people sniggering behind my back?.我怎么会忘记呢?人们一直在我背后偷偷地笑话我。She was smiling enigmatically as if amused by some private joke.她神秘地微笑着,仿佛被只有自己懂得的笑话逗乐了。It's a standing joke.这是一个每次讲起必引人发笑的笑话The joke was an unfortunate misfire.那个笑话讲得很不成功。A well-timed joke stopped the disagreement developing into something more serious.一个及时的笑话使这场争论没有变得更加剑拔弩张。The joke sent the audience into convulsions of laughter.那个笑话把观众逗得前俯后仰。Roni told a few jokes, which helped to break the ice.罗尼说了几个笑话,活跃了气氛。He bridged the awkward silence with a funny remark.他说了句笑话,打破了尴尬的冷场。No one should have to be subjected to my uncle's bad jokes.没有人必须得忍受我叔叔的那些烂笑话I thought the play was rather long and slow, and the jokes didn't really come over well.我觉得这部戏又长又慢,其中的笑话也效果不佳。Gina tried to lighten the atmosphere by telling a joke.吉纳讲了个笑话试图让气氛轻松起来。The jokes made everyone laugh.那些笑话使每个人都笑了起来。That joke just ain't funny.那个笑话一点也不好笑。Did you get that joke, Ann? I'll explain later.安,听懂那个笑话了吗?我过会儿会解释。That's just one from his store of silly jokes.那只是他大量无聊笑话中的一则而已。It was only said as a joke.那只是当笑话说的。If you don't get the joke, I'll explain it to you later.如果你没听懂这个笑话,我稍后再向你解释。Have you heard any good jokes lately?近来你听到过什么精彩的笑话吗?Ripe with in-jokes, self-references, and post-modern metaphor, the movie questions a too-civilized world.这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。The children all laughed at his jokes.孩子们听了他的笑话都笑起来。Everyone laughed, but Harold didn't seem to get the joke.每个人都笑了,但是哈罗德好像没听懂那个笑话That's a real knee-slapper.那个笑话真好笑。I heard a funny joke yesterday.昨天我听到一个有趣的笑话He recalls a joke that went the rounds of the office.他回忆起一个曾在办公室里流传的笑话He made a few ridiculously feeble and juvenile jokes.他讲了几个干巴巴、极为幼稚的笑话Molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction.莫利笑话我糟糕的方向感。He told some sidesplitting jokes.他讲了一些令人笑破肚皮的笑话The joke is on us, a very sour joke indeed!笑话是嘲弄我们的,真是个恶毒之极的笑话!His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.他讲的笑话似乎是即兴的,但实际上是事先精心准备好的。The joke caused mild amusement.这个笑话有些可笑。My photography skills are a joke.我的摄影技术简直让人笑话His attempt at a joke misfired.他的笑话没能让人笑起来。Have you heard the one about the Irishman, the Englishman and the American?.你听过那个关于爱尔兰人、英国人和美国人的笑话吗?Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.这种言论会让人家笑话她。I screamed with laughter at the joke.我听了这笑话放声大笑。He is the kind of person who digs jokes.他是那种善于领会笑话含义的人。




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