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词汇 council
例句 The local council refused him planning permission to build an extra bedroom.他要加盖一间卧室,但当地市政局拒绝签发建筑许可。The report deals out some sharp criticism to the council.该报道严厉批评了委员会。Today's council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.今天的理事会会议已经过精心安排,以避免爆出令人难堪的讯息或显示出内部不和的迹象。The council is responsible for putting grit on icy roads.政务委员会负责在结冰的道路上铺撒沙粒。He was elected to the parish council.他入选了行政堂区委员会。A complaints system is being set up to make it easier for residents to complain about the service that the council offers.正在建立一个投诉体系,方便居民对市政委员会所提供的服务提出投诉。There is a shortage of council housing.廉租公房房源不足。I grew to dislike working for the council.我越来越不喜欢在理事会工作。The city council turned thumbs down on Marison's new proposal, citing potential parking problems.市政委员会援引潜在的停车问题来否决了马里森的新提议。The council wants to dish the money out to specific projects.理事会想把钱分配到具体的工程。The council has agreed to rehouse the family.委员会同意给这个家庭重新安排住房。The council's phone lines had been jammed by callers opposed to the sale.理事会的电话被反对出售的人打爆了。The council does not support lengthening the school day to fit in other activities.委员会不支持通过延长在校时间来插入其他活动。The council applied for a compulsory purchase order on the tennis courts.政务会申请对网球场发出强制购买令。According to a council insider, the library's budget is to be cut again.据委员会内的知情人士透露,图书馆的预算经费又将遭到削减。The mayor threatened to veto a measure passed by the city council.市长扬言要否决市议会通过的一项举措。Police are investigating the disappearance from council offices of confidential files.警察正在调查市政办公室机密档案被盗一案。Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers.奖项已使政务委员会的低层官员们愤愤不平。The council is said to have been overpaying for repairs made by its housing department.据说市政委员会一直在向其房管部支付过高的维修费。Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.我的顾问班子和全体工作人员都对种族歧视深恶痛绝。The local council has just set up a committee to study recycling.当地市政会刚刚成立了一个研究资源再生利用问题的委员会。The council governs fishing in the region.委员会负责管理这一地区的渔业。She was a secretary on the local parochial council.她是当地教区委员会的秘书。The town council voted for an abridgement of the mayor's power.市议会投票赞成限制市长的权力。The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.声明显然意在警告首尔不要再试图阻碍理事会的行动。The council wants to dish the money out to specific projects.委员会想把钱分配给具体的项目。They agreed to form a council composed of leaders of the rival factions.他们同意成立一个由敌对派系的领袖组成的委员会。The mayor's proposal was speedily approved by the town council.市长的提议立刻得到市议会的批准。The council seems likely to overspend this year.市政会今年可能会超支。They lease the site from the council.他们向市政会租来这块场地。An ambulance chaser contacted her the day she was injured and persuaded her to sue the city council for negligence.她受伤的当天,就有一个冷血讼棍律师联系到她,劝她起诉市政务委员会失职。The city council canvassed the plan thoroughly.市议会详细讨论了那个计划。The council needs to police such laws.委员会需要对这类法律实行监督。We could find out from the local council.我们可以从当地市政会了解情况。At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor.在镇议会终审会上,她的建议被镇长裁定为违反程序。We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.我们要确保每次他发言时我们都在会议室里。The council will arbitrate among the interest groups.委员会将在各利益集团之间进行仲裁。The city council hemmed and hawed for a year before deciding to build the new school.市议会犹豫了一年才决定建这所新学校。The council must proceed on the basis of the vote.委员会必须根据投票结果继续行事。The council is really digging its heels in over the government's privatization plans.委员会对政府的私有化计划拒不让步。




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