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词汇 站立
例句 Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.双腿分开站立,平均分配身体的重量。Three men had a lucky escape when the roof collapsed just yards from where they were standing.屋顶倒塌了,距离这三个人站立的地方只有几码远,他们侥幸脱逃。Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little.双腿适度分开站立,双膝稍稍弯曲。The place quickly fills up so it's soon standing room only.人很快就坐满了,不久就只剩下站立的位置了。She stood with her hands on her hips.她双手叉腰站立I stood by the waterfall, almost hypnotised by the roaring water.站立在瀑布旁,轰鸣的水声令我心醉神迷。If you stand sideways it's harder for people to hit you.如果你侧身站立,别人就较难打到你。The guards stood upright at the gate.卫兵笔直地站立在门前。They stood in a pool of light.他们站立在光影中。Some prisoners were forced to stand up all night for lack of room.由于缺少空间,有些囚犯被迫彻夜站立A riderless horse reared up before her.一匹无人驾驭的马前腿抬起站立在她面前。The soldiers stood rigidly at attention.士兵们笔直地站立Stand with your feet wide apart.两腿叉开站立,双脚间距要大。They stood/walked in single file.他们排成一列站立/行走。Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立Kempf stood at ease, hands behind back, eyes forward.肯普夫稍息站立,双手背后,两眼前看。Try to balance on one leg.试试单腿站立保持平衡。The route of the procession was lined with police officers standing shoulder to shoulder.游行所经道路两边都是肩并肩站立的警察。He's trying to balance on one leg.他试图单腿站立保持平衡。I inched my way across the crowded room to where Lou was standing.我一步一步地挤过拥挤的房间,米到卢站立的地方。Stand with your feet flat on the floor.双脚平踩地板站立The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun, trying to regain his centre of gravity.向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。Stand with your arms at your sides and your hands pointing downward.站立时手臂放在身体两侧,双手下垂。Stand with your knees slightly bent.请双膝微曲站立He planted himself in front of the TV and stayed there.站立在电视机前,待在那儿不动。She stood hugging herself against the cold.在寒冷中,她抱着胳膊,瑟缩站立The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.这种动物能够用后肢站立High chairs should have a harness to stop the child from slipping under or standing up.高脚椅应该有背带,防止孩子滑落或站立The guard stood immobile by the gate.警卫一动不动地站立在门口。My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.我的腿虚弱得简直无法站立Start the exercise in a standing position.站立的姿势开始运动。Stand with your feet apart.两脚分开站立She stood poised for a moment.她平稳地站立了一会儿。Stand with your legs slightly bent.站立时双腿稍稍弯曲。The priest stood at the baptismal font.牧师站立在洗礼池旁边。The troops stood at ease.部队稍息站立They were ordered to stand apart.他们奉命分开站立I was able to stand on my good leg.我能靠那条好腿站立Mustafa takes his hand and instructs him when to stand and when to make an obeisance.穆斯塔法握着他的手,教他何时站立、何时鞠躬。Stand with your legs wide apart, then touch the floor.两腿叉开站立,然后弯腰触地。




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