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例句 He stepped into the breach when the company needed new leadership.当公司需要新的领导力量时,他站出来勇挑重担。Investigations have ground to a standstill because no witnesses have come forward.调查陷入停滞,因为没有证人站出来。If people have been wavering about giving the police information, this could be the thing to make them come forward.如果人们心里在犹豫是不是要向警方提供线索,那么,这个方法就可以让他们站出来。Many of her former employees came forward to testify to her generosity. 许多她之前的雇员都主动站出来证实她的慷慨大方。At a press conference this afternoon, the victim's mother made an appeal for witnesses to come forward.在今天下午的记者招待会上,受害人的母亲呼吁目击者站出来。The runner was called out at home plate, and the manager came out to argue about the call.跑垒员在本垒被罚下,球队主教练站出来对这一判罚进行争辩It's hard to get at the facts when people are afraid to speak out.如果人们不敢站出来说话,那就很难掌握事实了。The police appealed for witnesses to come forward with information.警方呼吁目击者站出来提供消息。The team's best player is injured, so someone else needs to step up.这个队最好的球员受伤了,所以需要有人站出来挑大梁。His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours.他的女儿早该站出来平息所有这些谣言。Only one witness of the accident has come forward.只有一人站出来为这次事件作见证。He is ready to defend fair language at the drop of a solecism.他一碰到语法错误就要站出来维护语言纯洁。Police are appealing to anyone who may be sheltering the wanted man to come forward.警方呼吁窝藏通缉犯的人主动站出来。He was too yellow to stand up and fight.他太过胆小怕事,所以没有站出来斗争。More and more people are standing out against what is a very unpopular piece of legislation.越来越多的人站出来反对一项非常不得人心的法案。A witness stepped forward to identify the robber.一个目击者站出来指认劫匪。Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford.火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。Many witnesses are still hesitant to come forward.许多目击者仍然不愿意站出来。He always sprang to Rose's defence when Ed tried to criticize her.他总在埃德想批评罗丝时站出来为她说话。No senior member of the Cabinet has yet emerged to challenge the prime minister.还没有一位资深内阁成员站出来向首相叫板。No witnesses have come forward.没有人站出来作证。Ben, I want whoever's responsible to come forward.本,我希望不管是谁的责任,他都能够站出来。His fame as an actor provides him with a soapbox to encourage young people to vote.他是知名演员,这使他能够站出来鼓励年轻人投票。Unless the guilty person owns up, the whole class will be punished.除非犯了错的同学站出来认错,否则全班都要受到惩罚。Police are appealing for witnesses to step forward.警方呼吁目击者主动站出来。The police are asking for anybody with information to come forward.警察请任何了解情况的人站出来。It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman.站出来批评董事长需要很大的勇气。The mystery deepens as more witnesses come forward to tell different stories.由于又有一些证人站出来提供了各不相同的证词,这件事愈发显得扑朔迷离了。Police officers re-enacted the crime in an attempt to get witnesses to come forward.警察重现了犯罪的经过,目的是让目击证人主动站出来。The teacher said that if anyone came forward and admitted to the prank, she wouldn't punish them. 老师说如果有人主动站出来承认恶作剧,她不会惩罚那个人。The site offers used equipment for sale.这一网站出售二手装备。The British shopper has come out with the gloves off to prove these people wrong.这名英国买家毫不客气地站出来证明这些人是错的。No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police appeal.不管警方怎么呼吁,仍然没有事故的目击者站出来作证。No heirs came forward to claim the inheritance.没有继承人站出来索要这份遗产。None of the other people were brave enough to stand up to him.其他人没有一个敢于站出来反对他。It took a lot of nerve to stand up and speak.站出来说话是很需要勇气的。None of his schoolmates came to his defence.没有一个同学站出来维护他。Everyone was standing around in silence, so I took the initiative and tried to explain why we had come.大家都站着默不作声,于是我主动站出来解释我们为什么要到这里来。He took the blame upon himself.站出来承担过错。Thomas had listened to the argument for long enough and he stepped in to defend Miss Price.托马斯听他们争吵了好一会后,站出来为普赖斯小姐说话。




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