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I can't get up. Give me a hand, will you?我站不起来了,拉我一把好吗?He's still too weak to stand on his own.他还很虚弱,自己站不起来。He was so drunk he could not stand up.他醉得都站不起来了。They bumped against each other and bent over double, convulsed with laughter.他俩撞在一起。两人弯着腰笑,笑得站不起来。Percy lay on the floor in a blind stupor and could not or would not get up.珀西完全神志昏迷躺在地板上,根本站不起来。My legs are wobbling too much to stand up.我的腿抖得太厉害,站不起来。He felt so weak he could hardly stand.他觉得非常虚弱,几乎站不起来。The illness left her too weak to stand up.病痛使她虚弱得站不起来。By this time I was totally slewed and could scarcely stand up!这时我已经全然醉了,几乎站不起来!He was so weak that he could hardly stand up.他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来了。 |