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词汇 coughed
例句 She coughed and choked when a piece of food went down her windpipe.气管里进了一点食物,呛得她直咳嗽。He took a mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed.他喝了一口纯威士忌,咳嗽了起来。The engine coughed, spluttered, and died.发动机咔咔作响,接着又发出一阵噼啪声,然后就彻底熄火了。The engine coughed and sputtered and then stopped.发动机发出扑哧、噼啪的几声后就熄火了。I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night.我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。Suddenly the engine coughed, spluttered and died.突然发动机噗噗响起来,噼啪几下就熄火了。Matthew coughed and cleared his throat.马修咳了一声清清喉咙。Wade exhaled a cloud of smoke and coughed.韦德吐出一口烟,然后咳嗽起来。She coughed, betraying her presence behind the door.她的咳嗽声暴露出她藏在门后。He coughed as the blood filled his mouth.他咳出的血弄得满嘴都是。She took a long pull on her cigarette, exhaled and coughed loudly.她抽了一大口烟,吐烟时大声咳嗽起来。The quarterback coughed up the ball.四分卫掉了球。He had quite serious problems with his chest and wheezed and coughed all the time.他的胸部问题很严重,总是气喘,还不停地咳嗽。He coughed and rubbed at his throat.他一边咳嗽一边用手揉喉部。She coughed genteelly behind her hand.她咳嗽时假装斯文地用手掩住嘴巴。After several hours of questioning, he finally coughed up the information.经过几个小时的审问,最后他供出了情报。The engine coughed and died.引擎噗噗响了几声就熄火了。He coughed and the phlegm rattled.他咳嗽了,痰在喉咙口呼噜呼噜响。An ancient truck coughed into life.一辆老得没牙的卡车噗哧噗哧开动起来。She coughed and spluttered as she climbed out of the icy water.她从冰水里爬出来时,一边咳嗽,一边呼哧呼哧地喘气。The engine chugged and coughed, and finally died.发动机突然喀喀作响,最后熄火了。He coughed up some drops of blood.他咳出了几滴血。They coughed up the lead in the second half.他们在下半场未能保住领先优势。The engine coughed and died.发动机咔咔响了一会儿便熄了火。She coughed herself hoarse.她咳得嗓子都沙哑了。Everyone coughed and shifted around nervously.大家都紧张地咳嗽、坐立不安。He wheezed and coughed all the time.他总是气喘吁吁,不停地咳嗽。The engine coughed into life.发动机突突地发动起来。The rusted taps coughed when turned.生锈的水龙头拧动时咔咔作响。He coughed his cigarette cough.他咳了一声,那是抽烟人特有的咳嗽声。When she coughed she made a terrible wheezing sound.她咳嗽时发出了可怕的气喘声。The car engine coughed a few times, but wouldn't start.汽车发动机吭哧吭哧响了几声,但没发动起来。The cat coughed and then disgorged a wad of hair.那只猫先是咳嗽,随即吐出一团头发。




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