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词汇 窃听器
例句 We can't say anything inside the house. It's wired.我们不能在屋子里说话。屋内装有窃听器呢。They put a tap on his telephone and recorded all his calls.他们在他的电话上装上了窃听器,录下了所有通话。The cops bugged his apartment.警察在他的寓所里安装了窃听器They succeeded in bugging the enemy headquarters.他们成功地在敌人司令部安装上窃听器There was a bug on the phone.电话装有窃听器She suspected they'd put a tap on her phone.她怀疑他们在她的电话里装了窃听器He was wearing a hidden microphone.他身上有窃听器Wells was convinced the house was bugged and insisted on playing loud music while we talked.韦尔斯确信房子里装有窃听器,所以我们谈话时他坚持把音乐放得很响。Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.反诈骗小组的警员们已在电话上安装了窃听器,并随时准备突击。There was a tap on her phone.她的电话上有个窃听器The undercover police officer was wearing a wire during the meeting.卧底警官身上藏着窃听器参加了会面。The police had put a tap on his phone line.警方在他的电话上安装了窃听器Police found several bugging devices in the room.警察在房间里发现了若干窃听器He was convinced that his office was bugged.他确信他的办公室被安装了窃听器The government planted/put a bug in her telephone/apartment.政府在她的电话/公寓里安装了窃听器Security agents bugged their offices and managed to get some evidence against them.秘密警察在他们的办公室里装了窃听器,设法取得了对他们不利的证据。FBI officers recorded the conversation by means of a tiny bug hidden in the phone.联邦调查局人员通过藏在电话里的微型窃听器录下了谈话。The FBI tapped her phone.联邦调查局在她的电话上装了窃听器




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