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词汇 突破
例句 The gunman did not breach the security perimeter around the White House.持枪歹徒没有突破白宫周围的安全防线。If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs from such a breakthrough would be enormous.如果这些材料能够普遍用于光学产业,那么这一突破带来的收益将非常巨大。The barbed wire fences and security shields made the air base very difficult to penetrate.带刺的铁丝网和安全防御设施使空军基地难以突破They finally broke through the German line.他们终于突破了德军防线。Scientists the world over have been waiting for this breakthrough.全世界的科学家一直在等待着这个突破Gauguin, by contrast, was determined to liberate painting.相比之下,高更的画旨在突破传统的束缚。We're pushing the envelope on this technology.我们在突破这门工艺的极限。Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture, and architecture.绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破He pushes the players to perform beyond their comfort zone.他激励队员突破自我。The enemy's defences are permeable at several points.敌人的防御有好几处是可突破的。A record number of asylum seekers arrived in the UK last month.上个月,到英国来寻求政治庇护的人数突破了历史纪录。No one could break through the protective force field legislators put up around the proposed bill.没人能突破立法者为提案设置的层层障碍。Strikers outside the factory gate were shouting abuse at anybody who tried to get past them.厂门外的罢工者对任何试图突破他们的包围的人都破口痛骂。We are seeking continuous, incremental improvements, not great breakthroughs.我们在寻求持续的、渐进的改善,而不是重大的突破The breakthrough opens an escape hatch for Republicans.这一突破为共和党人提供了出路。The bomber breached security by climbing onto the roof.投弹者爬上屋顶,突破了安保系统。A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police.一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。Negotiators have made a breakthrough on the most difficult issue of employment security.谈判人员在最难解决的职业保障问题上已有了突破The crucial breakthrough came almost by accident.取得这个决定性的突破近乎意外。Protesters broke through the barriers.抗议者突破了障碍物。Important new discoveries in the field of radiology may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.放射学领域的重要新发现可能会给癌症治疗带来突破We have achieved a real breakthrough in the search for peace.在寻求和平上我们已取得了真正的突破We broke through the enemy lines.我们突破了敌人的防线。They are usually fairly mundane measures dressed up as dramatic departures.这些不过是再平常不过的措施,却经常被说成是巨大的突破The company's profits are unlikely to beat last year's £10 million.公司不太可能突破去年的千万英镑利润。Their defences were easily breached.他们的防线轻而易举就被突破了。German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines.德国的装甲师突破了俄国的防线。Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS.科学家称在艾滋病的治疗方面有了重大的突破The fort's defenses were thought to be impenetrable.这个要塞的防线都被认为是无法突破的。The enemy finally broke through our defenses and defeated us.敌人最终突破了我们的防线,击败了我们。They had minor breakthroughs but real success eluded them.他们取得了一些小的突破,但没有取得真正意义上的成功。They explain scientific breakthroughs in layman's terms.他们用通俗的话语阐释科学突破He was rugby tackled by a policeman after breaking through police lines.他在突破警戒线后被一名警察拦截了。The new cancer drug is a revolutionary breakthrough.这种新的抗癌药是革命性的突破Mostov ran through unchallenged for a magnificent solo goal.莫斯塔夫在无人防守的情况下突破攻入了一个漂亮的单刀球。One player makes the break through the opposition's defence.一名球员突破对方的防线。Taxol has been heralded as a breakthrough in cancer treatment.泰素被誉为是癌症治疗方面的一个突破There has been a breakthrough in the identification of cancer genes.在识别癌症基因方面已经取得了突破He ran through the defense and scored a touchdown.突破防守队员达阵得分。When it opened, the hospital was heralded as a new way forward in nursing care.该医院刚开始营业的时候被誉为护理业的突破




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