例句 |
The crowd was thrown into confusion. 人群突然陷入混乱。Riots convulsed the nation.骚乱使国家突然陷入动荡。He plunged into a severe depression.他突然陷入严重的抑郁。The museum was recently plunged into scandal when it was learned that some of its art had been sold on the black market.人们得知它的一些艺术品在黑市上出售后,这家博物馆最近突然陷入丑闻。The country was plunged into recession.该国突然陷入经济衰退。He looked suddenly pensive.他看起来突然陷入沉思。The city was plunged into darkness. 城市突然陷入一片黑暗。Lightning struck the power lines, plunging half the city into darkness.雷电击中了电线,半个城市突然陷入了黑暗之中。 |