例句 |
One of the plane's engines cut out, so they had to land with only one.飞机的一个引擎突然出了故障,所以他们只好靠一个引擎着陆。People dived aside as undercover cops ambushed a planned post office raid.暗中埋伏的警察突然出动,打击一场有预谋的抢劫邮局行动,人群顿时散向两边。I was just two miles from home when my motorbike conked out!我出门刚骑了两英里,我的摩托车就突然出了故障!Her husband walked out last year.她丈夫去年突然出走了。The engine suddenly quit.这台发动机突然出故障了。He broke out in a sweat. 他突然出了一身冷汗。 |