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词汇 空中
例句 A tiny explosion sent sparks flying through the air.一次轻微的爆炸产生的火花在空中四散飞舞。The pilot circled and came down very fast.飞行员在空中盘旋,然后急速俯冲下来。The barking of the dog gave to the dark sky the acoustics of a shell.狗吠声在黑沉沉的夜空中听上去像炮弹爆炸。Helicopters can to some extent take the place of tanks by spearheading the airborne attack.直升机可以担任空中进攻的前锋,从而在某种程度上取代坦克的地位。Two jets streaked across the sky.两架喷气式飞机在空中一闪而过。The plane blew up in mid-air, killing all the passengers and crew.飞机在空中发生爆炸,乘客和机组人员全部遇难。The balloon rose up into the air.气球升到了空中The force of the blast threw bodies into the air.爆炸力把尸体抛到了空中The sounds of tango filled the air.空中飘荡着探戈舞曲的旋律。The airplanes were fueled in midair.飞机在空中加了油。Pieces of stone were projected through the air by the explosion.爆炸将碎石投射到空中The pilots' aerial acrobatics have drawn massive crowds.飞行员的空中特技吸引了大批观众。The sun was high in the sky, blazing down on us.太阳高挂在空中,火辣辣地照在我们身上。Gliding is one of the safest forms of air travel.滑翔是最安全的空中旅行方式之一。A bluish mist hung in the air.一层淡蓝色的薄雾弥漫在空中They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.他们偶尔会看见一群大鸟在空中盘旋。He threw the ball into the air.他把球抛到空中Kites are gliding in the air.风筝在空中飞翔。The ball whizzed through the air.球嗖的一声在空中掠过。A phantom army marched through the sky.一支幽灵部队在空中行进。He immersed his mouth and blew a jet of water into the air.他把嘴伸进去,然后把一股水流喷到空中The plane's engines were ticking over just enough to hold position in the air.飞机的引擎以刚好让飞机保持在空中的低速运转着。The little plane suddenly soared upwards.那架小飞机突然升入空中He punched his fist in the air.他在空中挥舞着拳头。On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky.清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光。The snow goose flew down low over the field and then soared back up gracefully.那只雪雁俯冲下来在田野上低飞,然后又优雅地飞回空中Chimneys were disgorging smoke into the air.烟囱正往空中喷吐烟雾。Sam was catapulted into the air by the force of the blast.萨姆被爆炸的冲力抛到空中We watched birds catching insects in midair.我们观看鸟儿在空中捕食昆虫。Enemy bombers wandered around all night long in singles.敌方轰炸机一架又一架,彻夜不断在空中盘旋。The soldiers fired into the air when the demonstrators behaved provocatively.示威者作出挑衅举动时,士兵朝空中鸣枪。We watched the balloon lift slowly into the air.我们看着气球慢慢地升到空中Once we were in the air, I was allowed to take the controls.我们一升到空中,我就获准进行驾驶。By midday the sun had risen high in the sky and was burning down on us.到了中午,太阳高高挂在空中,火辣辣地照在我们头上。The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to withstand ground and air attacks.空军基地有特殊设计的掩体保护,能够抵挡住地面和空中袭击。His arm described an arc in the air.他的手臂在空中划出一道弧形。These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。She caught sight of an eagle gliding through the air.她看到一只鹰在空中翱翔。The plane lifted off and climbed steeply into the night sky.飞机起飞了,陡直爬升到夜空中The stars winked in the night sky.空中繁星闪烁。




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