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词汇 costing
例句 Such complacency is costing the company dear.这种自满情绪正使公司付出沉重代价。All these stoppages are costing the company a fortune.所有这些停工正给公司造成巨大的经济损失。The welfare scam was costing the federal government hundreds of thousands of dollars.福利欺诈使联邦政府损失惨重。It's costing us a fortune in phone bills.我们的电话费相当高。I must confess that I got my sums wrong - the house extension is costing a lot more than I expected.我必须承认我算错了账——房子的扩建费用大大超出了我的预期。A can of baby formula costing $6.00 will last you three to four days.一罐六美元的婴儿配方奶粉可以吃三到四天。It's costing them a lot of money to put their children through school.供孩子们上学花了他们很多钱。His frequent absences ended up costing him his job.他经常缺勤,结果丢掉了工作。Drake passed the months in costing an expedition that never sailed.德拉克花了几个月的功夫估算一次远洋航行的成本,但结果并未真正成行。Fraud is thought to be costing software companies millions of dollars a year.据认为欺诈行为每年使软件公司损失上百万美元。The building work is taking quite a long time, and therefore costing us money.这项建筑工程耗时很长,因此我们花费也大。There are warnings that the xenophobic practices of UK companies are costing business and jobs.有人警告说,英国公司排外的做法正在招致生意损失和职位流失。Wagner was forced to tone down his remarks about his opponent when it became obvious that the attacks were costing him votes.瓦格纳被迫把关于竞选对手的言论说得不那么尖锐,因为那些攻击显然在使他失去选票。You're costing me a fortune in coffee!你们这儿喝咖啡这么贵!It will knock spots off many clarets costing twice as much.它远胜过许多比它贵一倍的红葡萄酒。We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.我们不得不总是在外面吃饭,结果花了不少钱。




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