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词汇 稳步上升
例句 Pension contributions have risen steadily over the last few years.过去几年以来,养老金的缴纳额稳步上升Temperatures will rise steadily towards the end of the week.周末温度将会稳步上升The percentage of women students at the university has increased steadily.大学里女生的百分比稳步上升She has been steadily moving up the corporate ladder.她在公司晋升制度中稳步上升There has been a steady increase in prices.价格稳步上升Oil exports have risen steadily.石油出口已稳步上升A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls.两个较小政党的支持率稳步上升,可能会打乱投票结果。They saw their bills rising steadily, in spite of superhuman efforts to save water.尽管他们已想方设法节约用水,水费仍旧在稳步上升She has continued to advance steadily in her career.她的事业继续稳步上升




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