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词汇 税收
例句 While most of the senators spoke against tax increases, one senator spoke in favor of them.大多数参议员都发言反对增加税收,但有一位发言表示支持。In last night's speech, the president finally made an unambiguous statement on the issue of taxes.在昨晚的讲话中,总统终于把税收问题说清楚了。All the proceeds from the taxes should be devoted to healthcare.所有税收应该全部用于医疗保健。The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.整个税收体系现在运作得效率更高了。The president may have to moderate his stance on tax cuts.总统可能被迫在消减税收方面缓和自己的立场。The people of the region rose up with one accord against the tax.该地区的人一致反对这项税收There had been a number of public protests against the new tax.曾有过几次公众反对新税收的抗议。The kiss of life could be a concession on taxation powers for the Scottish Assembly.对苏格兰议会来说,可以在税收权利方面做出让步以恢复元气。The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes.这笔钱可以直接划入公共资金,帮助降低税收Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy?为什么白宫在税收和预算政策问题上束手无策呢?Lobbyists complain that the bill would impose punitive taxes on the industry.院外游说人士抱怨这个议案将对这个行业强行征收惩罚性税收People always holler about tax increases.人们总是抱怨税收的增加。Her political rivals have poured/heaped scorn on her ideas for improving the tax system.她的政治对手对她改进税收体制的想法嗤之以鼻。They have the best medical care precisely because of high taxes.他们之所以拥有最好的医疗服务完全是因为高税收For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.共和党人几乎是坚定不移地主张削减这项税收The public balked at the President's new tax plan.公众不肯接受总统提出的税收新政。There is a definite congruity in the candidates' approach to the tax problem.在候选人对待税收问题的态度上有着明确的共同之处。Low taxation of the rich is the root of the economic problems in this country.富人低税收是该国经济问题的根源。The tax increases proved to be the president's political nemesis.提高税收让总统自食恶果。In their election manifesto, the Liberal Democrats proposed increasing taxes to pay for improvements in education.在竞选宣言中,自由民主党人提出增加税收以支付改善教育的费用。The proposed tax increase has been the subject of much anger and fulmination.增加税收的议案引发了众怒和严厉批评。Their taxation plans, frankly, are all over the place.他们的税收计划,坦白说,没有安排好。Critics say that the new tax will suffocate local businesses.批评者说新税收将扼杀当地的企业。The government is in a corner on the subject of taxes.政府在税收问题上陷入了困境。The tax is expected to yield millions.这项税收预计会带来数百万的收入。Taxes have swallowed up nearly half of my pay increase.我的加薪有近一半都被税收抵消了。The tax increase will impact low-income families the most.增加税收将对低收入家庭产生最大影响。The government has a mandate from the people to increase taxes.民众授权政府增加税收He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.他没有因涉嫌税收诈骗接受审判,而是逃到了瑞士。The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.对进口商品实行高税收旨在保护国内生产厂商。Several senators have proposed raising the tax.一些参议员提议增加税收The unpopularity of the new tax led to unrest.税收的不得人心导致了动乱。He disagreed with the minister on the wisdom of raising taxes.他与部长在提高税收是否明智一事上存在分歧。The electorate took a dim view of the tax increase.选民们反对增加税收The government has craftily put up all the hidden taxes.政府巧妙地提高了所有的隐性税收The state's constitution has strict rules about what tax money can be used for.这个州的宪法对于税收的用途有严格的规定。The prime minister is considering substantial tax rises.首相正考虑大幅度提高税收It is legitimate to suggest that taxes should affect people with higher incomes more than they affect poorer people.建议税收应该对高收入人士而不是低收入人士影响更多,这是合理的。The only certainties in this world, as Benjamin Franklin famously observed, are death and taxes.这个世界上确定无疑的事,如本杰明・富兰克林那句名言所说,唯有死亡和税收




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