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词汇 移民
例句 We landed at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration.我们在希思罗机场降落,之后办理了海关和移民入境检查手续。Immigrants come to America to seek their fortune. 移民到美国寻求财富。At the convention Ford spoke on immigration and social issues.福特在大会上就移民问题和社会问题作了演讲。Her parents arrived in the country as penniless immigrants.她父母刚到这个国家的时候是身无分文的移民The migrants travelled many miles before finally finding a suitable place to settle.移民们走了很远的路,终于找到合适的地方安定下来。The islands attracted more settlers than mainland colonies.这些岛屿比大陆殖民地吸引了更多的移民Her comments about immigrants revealed an astonishing sense of privilege and arrogance.她关于移民的谈话暴露出她惊人的优越感和傲慢无理的态度。Only refugees are eligible for resettlement abroad.只有难民才符合移民国外的条件。Immigrants often get a bad deal when it comes to pay.移民常常在工资方面受到不公正的待遇。Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a short stay.这些移民大多是短暂停留后即返回西班牙的匆匆过客。He is known for his reactionary views on immigration and the reintroduction of the death penalty.他因在移民问题和恢复死刑问题上态度保守而闻名。Europe populated much of America.欧洲在美洲很多地区都有移民The novel realistically depicts immigrant life at the beginning of the last century.小说栩栩如生地描绘了上个世纪初的移民生活。She was on pins and needles, awaiting word from immigration officials.她如坐针毡,焦急等待着移民官员的消息。During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.在上个经济萧条期,人们向美国南部阳光地带移民的速度加快了。Emigration had carried to its shores shoals of men and women.移民使成群结队的男男女女来到了它的海岸。UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致。Many of the earliest settlers here dies from disease and hunger.这里最早的一批移民中有许多人死于疾病和饥饿。Streams of migrants are fleeing war, repression and poverty.逃离战争、镇压和贫困的移民络绎不绝。Thousands of emigrants set off for the New World full of hope.成千上万的移民满怀希望奔赴新大陆。He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.他贿赂移民官员非法入境。There was excited talk of emigrating to America.有人激动地谈论移民美国的事。The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.这个国家对待移民和少数民族的态度真令人作呕。His father and mother immigrated when he was two.他的父母在他两岁时移民到这里。The minister denied that he was a racist, but called for tougher controls on immigration.部长否认自己是种族主义者,但要求对移民实施更强硬的控制。We hope that all immigrants can integrate harmoniously into Australian society.我们希望所有的移民都能和谐地融入澳大利亚社会中。She married Norwegian immigrant Niels Larsen, who later anglicized his name.她嫁给了挪威移民尼尔斯•拉尔森,后来他把自己名字的发音英语化了。The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.当局至今未能通过允许自由移民的法律。The settlers erected a stone wall.移民们砌了一堵石墙。He has some very small-minded opinions about immigrants.他对移民有一些很狭隘的看法。The village was founded by settlers from the Volga region.来自伏尔加地区的移民建起了这个村庄。The government is eager to attract skilled immigrants.政府渴望吸引有一技之长的移民There was a sudden increase in immigration from Europe.来自欧洲的移民人数突然增加。Immigrants to the country were struggling to survive and rise above the poverty that surrounded them.移民在这个国家里奋力求存,竭力要摆脱困扰他们的贫穷问题。Many of the immigrants are well-educated.很多移民受过良好教育。We all agree there have to be some controls, but the government has gone too far in ordering all immigration to be stopped.我们都同意必须有所限制,但政府下令停止所有移民入境就太过分了。Emigration was still theoretically a matter of choice.从理论上讲,移民仍是个个人选择的问题。Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.这样的声明不太可能吓住将来的移民The party advocates compulsory repatriation of immigrants who commit a crime.该党主张强制性遣返犯罪的移民The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.到目前为止,当局未能通过允许自由移民的法律。




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