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词汇 移动
例句 Move this word and you change the meaning of the sentence.移动这个词的话,句子的意思就变了。The leather armchair creaked as Roberts shifted his bulk.这把皮扶手椅在罗伯茨移动他那庞大身躯时嘎吱作响。The clay court was slippery and he was unable to move freely.红土网球场很滑,他不能自如地移动The storm is moving northward.暴风雨正向北移动Each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements.每一个动作都必须小心、准确,一点点地移动The crowd shuffled slowly forward.人群缓慢往前移动Make sure you don't mark the walls while you're moving the furniture around.移动家具时,千万别碰坏了油漆。Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea.暖气流正从北海上空的另一个高气压带移动过来。The dancer's feet twinkled.舞蹈演员的脚在轻快地移动Mobile communications can now reach any part of the planet.移动通讯可以覆盖地球的任何一个地方。He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动His gaze travelled over her face.他的目光在她脸上移动The camera moves dynamically around the actors.摄像机围着演员们不断移动He is light on his feet and moves fluently.他脚步轻快、移动顺畅。The insect moves slowly and laboriously, with frequent pauses to gather strength.那昆虫缓慢而费力地移动,频频停下以恢复体力。The wind is expected to freshen as it moves in from the east.预计在自东向西移动的过程中风力会增强。She moved the nest very carefully to prevent disturbance to the birds.她十分小心地移动鸟巢,以免惊扰了鸟。The barbecue is fully mobile.烤架可以整个儿移动Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me, or is it some evil force?真的是圣灵使我移动了,抑或是什么邪恶力量作祟?The sudden movement threw him off balance.突然的移动使他失去了平衡。Moving walkways have been a gleam in the eye of town planners for some time.移动人行道还只是城镇规划者好长时间内的一个愿望而已。The traffic kept creeping forwards a few inches and then stopping.车流总是缓慢地往前移动几英寸,然后又停下来。Vodafone was a successful bidder for a licence to develop cellular telephone systems in Greece.沃达丰公司成功中标,取得了在希腊经营移动通信系统业务的许可证。It was a stealthy sound made by someone anxious not to be heard.这是有人不想让别人听到而偷偷摸摸移动的声音。The feng shui expert came to her apartment and shifted the furniture around.风水师来到她的公寓,移动了家具的位置。Use small circular movements on all sides of the teeth and backward and forward movements across the tops.在牙面四周转小圈,在牙冠处则前后移动I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. 我从眼角瞥见有个东西在移动The storm is moving southeastward.暴风雨正朝东南方向移动He stirred and stretched lazily.移动了一下,伸了个懒腰。To remove the plant, turn the pot upside down and tap gently on the bottom to loosen it.移动这株植物,先把花盆倒扣过来,然后轻敲花盆底部使其松动。He made a slight outward movement with his right hand.他用右手轻轻向外移动了一下。I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.我无意中瞥见有东西在移动I tried to open the door, but I couldn't move it an inch.我想打开门,但无法使它移动分毫。The storm is headed in a northwesterly direction.暴风雨向西北移动Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.奇怪的黑影在几乎浓得化不开的黑暗里悄无声息地移动We could barely make out some figures moving in the mist.我们只能勉强看到一些人影在雾里移动You'll have to push harder if you want it to move.要想移动它,你得用更大的力气推。The storm followed a southeastward course.暴风雨沿东南方向移动The movement of the dot on the screen corresponds exactly with the movement of the control lever.屏幕上圆点的移动与控制杆的移动完全一致。The police told the people in the crowd to move along.警方命令这群人往前移动




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