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词汇 科索沃
例句 The US used smart weapons in Iraq and Kosovo.美国在伊拉克和科索沃使用了智能武器。Kosovo was a constituent part of former Yugoslavia.科索沃是前南斯拉夫的组成部分。The airforce played a huge part in the Kosovo conflict.空军在科索沃的冲突中发挥了巨大的作用。Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need.需要军队帮助将科索沃人民亟需的食品送抵那里。They have hammered the idea that the KLA is a terrorist organization.他们反复灌输科索沃解放军是恐怖组织这一观点。Elections were held, but the KLA refused to take part.选举是举行了,但是科索沃解放军拒绝参加。NATO kept up the pressure on the Serbs to get out of Kosovo.北约继续对塞尔维亚人施加压力,敦促他们撤出科索沃Troops were ordered to start moving out of Kosovo.部队奉命开始撤出科索沃




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