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词汇 种子
例句 The seeds of change in Eastern Europe were beginning to emerge.东欧巨变的种子开始萌芽。I have grown a bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae, from seed.我用种子培育了一株天堂鸟花,学名鹤望兰。Seeds begin to burgeon at the commencement of spring.春天开始时种子开始发芽。Different seeds have different food values.不同的种子具有不同的营养价值。It's been too cold for seeds to germinate properly.天气太冷,种子不能正常发芽。For the poor, carts, seed, and farm equipment would be purchased.对于穷人来说,大车、种子和农用设备都要购买。The wind spreads the seeds so that the plants can reproduce.风吹散种子,使植物可以繁衍。Annatto is a small seed used in Latin American cookery.胭脂树籽是拉美菜系中用的一种小种子Birds dispersed the seeds.鸟类将种子散播开来。It's hard to believe that a tree can develop from a small seed.很难相信一棵树是由一粒小种子长成的。The ripe seed pod splits open and scatters the seeds.成熟的荚果裂开,种子散落了出来。The seeds should be planted a few inches apart.应该相隔数英寸播下种子Sprinkle a layer of soil over the seeds.种子上撒一层土。Some seeds take a long time to germinate, so don't lose hope if nothing happens in the first year.有些种子要过很长时间才会发芽,所以第一年里如果没有动静也不要失去希望。This tree produces very hard seeds.这种树结一种硬粒种子The farmer sowed the field with wheat.农夫在地里播上小麦种子Plants develop from seeds.植物由种子发育而成。Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout.种子开始发芽时把盆搬到外面去。They have stocked their farm with livestock, seeds and canned food.他们为农场供应牲畜、种子和罐头食品。She grows her plants from seed. 她用种子种植。You can grow sunflowers from seed.你可以用种子种出向日葵。You can grind up the seeds and make a powder.你可以把种子磨成粉末。The new seeds had an immediate impact on food production.种子对粮食生产立刻产生了影响。Grind the seeds down to a powder.种子磨成粉。Squirrels bury nuts and seeds.松鼠会把坚果和种子埋起来。Her comment planted/sowed a seed of doubt in his mind. 她的话在他的脑海里播下了怀疑的种子Store the seeds in an airtight tin.种子储存在密封罐。Seeds spire under suitable conditions.种子在适当的条件下发芽。Small particles adhere to the seed.小颗粒牢牢附着在种子上。The seeds are spread by wind, birds, and animals.种子是靠风、鸟及动物传播的。The pasque flower can be propagated from seed.欧白头翁可以通过种子进行繁殖。Remove the seeds from the melon and discard them.从瓜中取出种子并扔掉。The catalogue has hundreds of different varieties of seeds.目录中列出了数百个品种的种子After planting these seeds, saturate the earth round them.撒下这些种子以后,给周围的土浇透水。She grew all the plants from seed.所有这些植物都是她用种子培育出来的。You will soon hear the seeds start to pop.你很快会听到种子开始啪地裂开的声音。She dug several tiny holes in the soil, planting a seed in each.她在土里挖了几个小洞,每个洞里都种上一颗种子She planted the first seeds of doubt in my mind.是她最初在我心中埋下了怀疑的种子I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。




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