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词汇 离开聚会
例句 It would be impolite to leave the party so early.这么早离开聚会是很不礼貌的。When I left the party Kelly was still chatting up that tall guy in the kitchen.离开聚会时,凯莉还在厨房里跟那个高个子调情。She was going to leave the party early until I shamed her out of it.她打算提早离开聚会,直到我让她不好意思这么做。My three-year-old pitched one of her temper tantrums when we tried to leave the party early.我三岁大的女儿在我们试图提早离开聚会时大发脾气。He left the party seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.离开聚会后不一会儿,就有人发现烟雾顺着楼梯冒上来了。It was going on midnight when we left the party.我们离开聚会时都快午夜了。




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