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词汇 离去
例句 The soldiers shouldered their rifles and marched away.士兵们扛着步枪列队离去After she had gone, Paul made himself known to Dr Heatherton.离去后,保罗对希瑟顿医生作了自我介绍。His departure prompted a few wistful sighs and the odd tear from admirers.他的离去引来崇拜者的几声悲叹和些许眼泪。She drove off at great speed, hit several parked cars, and finally crashed into a lamp-post.她驾车飞速离去,连撞了几辆停着的汽车,最后撞到了一根路灯柱上。He is, I apprehend, ready to leave.据我看,他已准备离去了。When the card game ended, the players cashed in their chips and left.牌局结束后,打牌的人交进筹码兑换成现金而离去He was getting ready to blow. He didn't like this location one bit.他作好离去的准备,他一点儿也不喜欢这场所。We said our good-bys and left.我们告别后离去He has written once since he left.离去后曾来过一封信。A few fans lingered on after the concert was over.音乐会结束后,一些乐迷仍不愿离去In fact, in a strange way, Sadie seemed to take over where Meg left off.事实上,萨蒂好像以一种奇特的方式填补了梅格离去所留下的缺憾。He would not leave because leaving might smack of flight.他不愿离去,因为离去或许会有逃跑的意味。When you went away you were just a homely wee slip of a thing.当年你离去时还只是个难看瘦削的小东西呢。We are all frail mortals fumbling around on the planet.我们都是在这个星球上摸索行进的脆弱生物,终有离去的一天。His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.他不期离去必然会招来很多疑问。We'd had such a great vacation, we could hardly bear to leave.我们的假期过得非常愉快,真不愿意离去His departure was very sudden and unexpected.他的离去很突然,出人意外。She just stood there watching as he walked away.她就站在那里看着他离去His departure was private and unreported.他私下悄悄离去,没有作过报道。They walked together to the corner, but then they separated and went their separate ways.他们一起走到街角,但随后他们就分开并各自离去As the weeks passed, I gradually accepted the idea of him leaving.几个星期过去,我逐渐接受了他离去的事实。The children lingered at the zoo until closing time.动物园关门时孩子们才恋恋不舍地离去She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。So are you ready to leave or what?因此你准备要离去还是什么?His friends dropped off one by one.他的朋友们一个个地离去The president drove off amid general shouts of joy.总统在大家的一片欢呼声中驱车离去His departure was impeded by heavy rain.大雨使他不能离去The whole party then skied off.然后整群人都滑着雪离去His going came as a shock.他的离去令大家都很震惊。The child left in leaps down the stairs.孩子跳跳蹦蹦地下楼离去We watched the ship gradually fade from view as it sailed away.船起航离去,我们看着它渐渐从视线中消失。He had never been away from home before: so his mother watched him go with some misgivings.他从来没有离开过家,所以他妈妈担忧地望著他离去The reasons for his departure weren't entirely clear.离去的原因不大清楚。Old friends, once close, dropped away.以前曾经非常亲密的老朋友一个一个地离去We like to send all our guests away with pleasant memories of their holiday.我们希望所有客人都带着假期愉快的回忆离去The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron's retreating figure.看着护士长离去的身影,这个年轻的护士做了个鬼脸。People started waving as the train drew away.火车启动离去时人们开始挥手告别。I was in a fret to get away.我十分焦急,几欲离去He was the last of the visitors to leave.他是最后离去的来宾。I couldn't help feeling a little sad when he left.离去时我不禁有点难过。




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