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词汇 祖国
例句 Vargas plays the part of a treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country.瓦加斯扮演一个背叛了国王和祖国的不忠贵族。This is your country. You must stay.这是你的祖国,你必须留下。She represented her country at the Beijing Olympics.她代表自己的祖国参加北京奥运会。The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland, against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement.团结运动中各派搞分裂,在此情况下教皇发出号召,呼吁祖国保持团结。He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.他离开祖国芬兰移居英国。Although he was popular in Europe, Hendrix had yet to achieve recognition in his home country.亨德里克斯尽管在欧洲广受欢迎,但他在自己的祖国尚未得到认可。He joined the resistance movement in order to free his country from the enemy.他加入了抵抗运动,决心要把祖国从敌人的统治下解放出来。You are a credit to your family and your country.你是你的家人和祖国的骄傲。He returned to his homeland for the first time in many years.多年来,他第一次回到了自己的祖国We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country.我们应当为落后的祖国加快变革的脚步。Many of the refugees are keen to return to their home countries now that the fighting has stopped.战争结束,许多难民渴望回到祖国Milton regarded her comment as a slur on his country.米尔顿把她的话看作是对他祖国的诋毁。Connery is a nationalist and fiercely proud of his native land.康纳里是位民族主义者,极以自己的祖国为傲。After spending seven years in Japan, Claude returned to his home country of France.在日本住了七年后,克劳德回到了祖国法国。When he left his native country, he said he would not return until it had been fully democratised.离开祖国时,他说直到国家完全实现民主化后他才会回来。People had come on deck to look their last on their country.人们来到甲板上,向他们的祖国投以最后的一眼。Deep in her soul she knew she had to return to her country.在她的心灵深处,她知道自己必须返回祖国She felt homesick for her country.她思念自己的祖国I love my country as you love yours.我热爱我的祖国,就像你热爱你的祖国一样。My dear countrymen, let's unite and do our best for our motherland.亲爱的同胞们,让我们团结起来为我们的祖国作最大的努力。He was glad to return to his native shores.回到祖国他很高兴。Lawyers argued that she should be allowed to serve her detention in her home country.律师们提出她应被允许在祖国接受监禁。They were devastated that they had to leave their beloved homeland.要离开自己热爱的祖国,他们心中悲痛万分。He pines for his homeland.他深切地思念着祖国He claimed that everything he did was done for the greater glory of his country. 他声称他所做的一切都是为了给祖国增添荣耀。He had long nourished the dream of returning to his motherland.长久以来他就盼望着回到祖国He's a hero in his native country.他是祖国的英雄。When your country calls you for help, you cannot but go.祖国要求你出力时,你必然会去的。The team arrived home to a delirious reception from its fans.球队回到祖国,受到了球迷的热烈欢迎。During the war, they were forced to flee their homeland.战争期间他们被迫逃离了祖国They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need.他们愿意在祖国需要时为国效力。He spoke longingly of his home country.他热切地谈起了自己的祖国He loved his country deeply.他深爱着他的祖国She went back to the country she loved.她回到了她深爱的祖国They betrayed their country and sided with the enemy.他们背叛了祖国,与敌人同流合污。Ninety per cent of spies betray their countries for money.有九成间谍为了金钱背叛自己的祖国We salute our country's soldiers.我们向祖国的士兵致敬。They betrayed their country by selling its secrets to other governments.他们背叛了自己的祖国,将机密卖给了他国政府。If his country was invaded by a foreign enemy, he would return at once.如果他的祖国受外敌侵略,他会马上回国。He talked about his homeland with all the sentimentality of an expatriate.他以侨民所特有的感伤谈起自己的祖国




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