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词汇 祈祷
例句 I pray to God that no one was seriously injured in the accident.我向上帝祈祷,但愿没有人员在事故中受重伤。She joined a contemplative order of nuns.她加入了一个默观祈祷的修女会。We've been praying for her safe return, and now our prayers have been answered. = We've been praying for her safe return, and now God has answered our prayers. 我们一直在为她的平安返回祈祷,现在我们如愿以偿了。She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other.祈祷自己进来后不会看到他们冲着彼此大吼大叫。Muslims attend Friday prayers at the mosque.穆斯林在清真寺做星期五祈祷We pray for those who died – may they rest in peace.我们为死者祈祷 — 愿他们安息。At a tiny cloister on the Lofoten Islands, three Polish monks prayed for the Pope.在罗弗敦群岛上的一个小隐修院里,三个波兰僧侣为教皇祈祷Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna's intercessions.很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。They went to pray in the temple.他们去寺庙祈祷Many people claim to have had visions while praying at Lourdes.许多人称在卢尔德祈祷时见过异象。We heard the calling of the bells to prayer.我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。He got down on his knees and began to pray.他跪下来开始祈祷Thankfully, his prayers were granted.令人欣慰的是,他的祈祷应验了。Cuthbert led an austere life of prayer and solitude.卡斯伯特过着祈祷和独居的苦行生活。For Jews, the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study.对犹太人来说,犹太教堂是教徒共同祈祷和学习的中心。I sent up a quick prayer and entered the interview room.我快速地做了一个祈祷然后走进了面试室。Tears, prayers, entreaties, nothing would move him.无论是眼泪、祈祷还是恳求,都不会让他动摇。He promised that the boy would be back at school in time for evening prayers.他保证男孩会及时回到学校参加晚祈祷She had a mystic vision while praying.祈祷时她看到了一种神秘的幻象。Dearly beloved, let's pray.亲爱的教友,让我们向上帝祈祷Our prayers for peace have been answered.我们为和平祈祷有了回应。The church bells called the worshippers to prayer.教堂钟声召唤礼拜教徒祈祷He was secretly praying that his offer would be rejected.他暗暗祈祷他的提议不会被接受。Devotions are held every Sunday morning.祈祷式于每星期日上午举行。We can but pray that our worst fears will prove unfounded.我们只能祈祷我们最大的担忧是毫无根据的。It seems that my prayers have been answered.看来我的祈祷应验了。I am a great believer in the power of prayer.我对祈祷的力量深信不疑。Every day the old women went to pray at the shrine.老太太们每天去圣殿祈祷Prayer can wash away your sins.祈祷能洗刷你的罪恶。 They should say a prayer for the people on both sides.他们应该为双方人民祈祷I just kept praying that the man would let me go.我不断地祈祷希望那名男子能放我走。Julie offered up a silent prayer that she would pass her exam.朱莉默默地祈祷,希望能通过这次考试。Thousands of worshippers from every walk of life joined together in prayer.数千名各界教徒聚在一起共同祈祷He quietly intoned several prayers.他肃穆地轻声念了几句祈祷词。The whole family knelt on cushions to pray.全家人跪在跪垫上祈祷We pray for all our brothers and sisters abroad.我们为所有海外同胞祈祷The mosque was sounding the call to prayer.清真寺里传来钟声,召唤人们去祈祷I feel for him and I'm praying for him.我同情他并为他祈祷Muslims chanted and prayed.穆斯林们唱歌祈祷Mourners are to stage a candlelit vigil in Liverpool.哀悼者准备在利物浦筹备举行一次烛光祈祷




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