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词汇 社会问题
例句 Crime is a complex social problem with no single cause or solution.犯罪是一种复杂的社会问题,没有单一的原因或解决方法。Child abuse has become a serious social problem.虐待儿童已成为严重的社会问题They try to address social problems such as unemployment and poor health.他们试图处理诸如失业和健康状况差等社会问题She makes cerebral films that deal with important social issues.她拍摄的影片触动理智,讨论诸多重要的社会问题His social problems were associated with heavy drinking.他的社会问题与酗酒有关。Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.失业情况是研究社会问题的有效参照。The social problems in modern society are mounting.现代社会的社会问题正在日益增多。In Britain today we tend to consider old age as a social problem.在当今英国我们往往将老龄视为社会问题We're focused on the financial, rather than social, aspects of the problem.对于这个问题,我们主要关心的是资金方面,而不是它的社会问题Social problems plague these low-income communities.社会问题困扰着这些低收入社区。He became involved in social issues at the high tide of the civil rights movement. 他在民权运动达到高潮时开始参与解决社会问题He lumped all of society's errors under a single abstract heading.他把所有的社会问题都归结在一个抽象的标题之下。When he diverged from the policies of the National Government, it was increasingly over social issues.当他与国民政府的政策背道而驰,其背离日益表现在社会问题方面。We need to place a higher priority on family and social issues.我们需要优先考虑家庭和社会问题The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social problems.此次打击犯罪是为了把人们的注意力从社会问题上转移开。One remedy for racial attacks would be to educate our children more about social issues.消除种族袭击的一个办法就是对我们的孩子多进行一些社会问题方面的教育。The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.总统没能认识到我们这一时期最重要的两个社会问题All the problems of society can be seen here in microcosm.所有社会问题在这里都有它的缩影。He advocated anarchism as the answer to social problems.他提倡以无政府主义来解决社会问题People have shown surprising apathy toward/about these important social problems.对这些重要的社会问题,人们表现出了惊人的冷漠。There's a danger that we will end up blaming innocent children for society's problems.我们最终有可能会把社会问题怪罪到无辜的孩子们头上。Crime often symbolizes a wider social problem.犯罪问题往往代表着更大的社会问题How do you address social issues without being preachy?你如何做到不用说教的语气应付社会问题呢?Candidates are now also much more emotionally and socially aware.候选人现在对情感需求和各种社会问题的了解也多得多了。Social problems such as teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and high divorce rates are often common in the most advanced countries.少女怀孕、吸毒、高离婚率等社会问题在最先进的国家往往很普遍。The choke point was overcoming the social issues.难办的是要克服社会问题Drug addiction is now the biggest social problem in American cities.吸毒是当今美国城市最大的社会问题Honest agitators are necessary to the solution of some social problem.诚实的鼓动者对解决某些社会问题是必要的。The problem may be less a social issue than a legal one.这个问题与其说是社会问题不如说它更有可能是个法律问题。Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。Attempts to document social problems in some parts of the country had been difficult.要纪实性地反映该国有些地区的社会问题一直很困难。Racism and sexism are major social problems.种族偏见和性别歧视是主要的社会问题He says there are commonsense solutions to social problems.他说可以用常识解决社会问题There needs to be a greater recognition of corporate crime as a social problem.作为一种社会问题,团体犯罪应引起更大的重视。The city has the usual array of social problems.这个城市有一系列常见的社会问题She has a sure grasp of social issues such as literacy, poverty and child care.她对扫盲、贫穷和儿童保育等社会问题都有深切的认识。None of these social problems is unique to this country.这些社会问题没有一个是这个国家所独有的。I'm talking about social problems. My opponent is just confusing the issue when he keeps referring to family values.我在谈论社会问题,我的对手却在不断地提及家庭观念,故意把问题搞混。These events shifted debate from economic issues to social ones.这些事件使讨论从经济问题转移到社会问题At the convention Ford spoke on immigration and social issues.福特在大会上就移民问题和社会问题作了演讲。




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