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词汇 corporal punishment
例句 The school banned corporal punishment many years ago.这所学校许多年前就禁止了体罚。Boys are the primary victims of corporal punishment.男孩是体罚的主要对象。I don't agree with corporal punishment in schools.我不赞成在学校里进行体罚。I don't believe in corporal punishment as a method of disciplining children.我认为体罚不是教训孩子的办法。In my first year at Hendon School, I had my first taste of corporal punishment.我进享登公学的第一年,第一次尝到体罚的滋味。It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on students.教师对学生进行体罚是违法的。The headmaster and teachers skirmished for a term over the question of corporal punishment.校长和教师为体罚的问题争论了一学期。I don't believe in corporal punishment.我认为体罚是行不通的。




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