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词汇 硬币
例句 He took a few coins out of his pocket.他从口袋里拿出几枚硬币The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin.重要的原则是决不清除贵重硬币上的污垢。At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币The reverse of the coin was stamped with an eagle.硬币的反面压印的是一只鹰。Some of the coins are still in circulation.这些硬币中有一些还在流通。I drew a handful of coins from my pocket.我从口袋里摸出一把硬币He left a measly dime for a tip.他只留下了微不足道的一角硬币作为小费。The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。I have a dollar in coins.我有一美元的硬币The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from the boy's ear.魔术师把硬币藏在手心,突然又从那个男孩的耳朵里拿了出来。He reached into his pocket for a dime.他把手伸进衣袋去掏一角硬币The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from a boy's ear.魔术师把硬币藏在掌中,然后突然从一个男孩的耳朵里把它变了出来。Gamblers plunked nickels and quarters into the slot machines.赌徒们把五分和二角五分的硬币用力塞进吃角子老虎机里。Chris fished in his pocket for a coin.克里斯在口袋里摸找硬币He took a dime from his pocket.他从兜里掏出一角硬币Please give me ten pennies for this tenpence piece.请替我把这十便士换成十个一便士硬币The coin rolled under the table.硬币滚到桌下去了。I turned the coin over and looked at the other side.我把硬币翻过来,看了看另一面。Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone.艾伦往付费电话的投币口里又塞了一枚二十五分的硬币I scraped the coins up and turned to go.我费力地拾起硬币,转身准备离去。She fed her last two coins into the machine for a cup of coffee.她将最后两枚硬币塞进机器里买一杯咖啡。She looked at the coins in her palm.她看了看掌中的硬币Insert the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button.投入适当的硬币,然后选择想要的饮料,按下那个按钮。The reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.硬币的背面是一朵花。The coins jingled in her pocket as she walked along.她走路时硬币在口袋里叮当作响。Bill collects foreign coins.比尔收集外国硬币Let me change the dollar bill for coins.让我把这张一元的纸钞换成硬币Look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin.你看硬币的这一面,装饰图案很漂亮。She jingled the coins in her pocket.她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。Give me those threepenny bits you have.把你有的那些三便士硬币给我。The coins in his pocket jingled as he walked.他行走时口袋里的硬币叮当作响。He put his hand in his pocket and jingled some change.他把手放在口袋里,把几枚硬币拨弄得叮当作响。I pulled a coin from my pocket and flipped it.我从口袋里掏出一个硬币,把它弹向空中。It's about the same thickness as a £1 coin.它的厚度约和一英镑硬币相同。Tweed slipped the coin he had palmed into his pocket.特威德悄悄地把藏在手心里的硬币塞进口袋。Coins become thinner by constant abrasion.硬币因经常磨损而变薄。Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.探寻沉船的潜水员们设法打捞到了一些硬币和珠宝。Goldfine was the only person ever to have offered me some coins then.戈尔德凡是唯一在当时主动给我几个硬币的人。Upstairs is a display of British coinage.楼上是英国硬币展。A coin fell tinkling on to the pavement.一个硬币当啷一声掉在人行道上。




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