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His failure in stock speculation precipitated his ruin.证券投机的失败使他一下子破了产。 He bought up a bankrupt textile company.他买下一家破了产的纺织公司。Many small banks failed during the recession.许多小银行在经济衰退期破了产。During the recession many small companies went out of business.经济衰退期间,很多小公司破了产。She is still angry with the suppliers, who she says ruined her by failing to deliver on time.她至今都对那些供应商耿耿于怀,说是他们未及时供货而使她破了产。Many small businesses smashed up during the slump.许多小企业在经济衰退时破了产。The incident has all but ruined her financially.这次事件使她经济上彻底破了产。His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。Many local businesses are having difficulties, and some have even gone bankrupt.许多当地的企业遇到了困难,有些甚至破了产。Investors lost their savings, and some businessmen went bankrupt.投资者失去了积蓄,一些商人则破了产。The severe winter in conjunction with massive spring flooding left many farmers bankrupt.严冬加上大面积的春涝使许多农民破了产。 |