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词汇 砰地
例句 He slammed the phone down and stormed out of the room.砰地挂掉电话,冲出了房间。He flounced out of the room and slammed the door behind him.他愤然离开房间,砰地关上了身后的门。My sister stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind her.我姐姐噔噔地走出房子,随手砰地关上了门。A door slammed in the house and a man came out buckling his belt.房子里的一扇门砰地关上,一个男子边扣腰带边走了出来。He said goodbye and slammed the phone down.他说了声再见后把电话砰地放下。The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹砰地射进了天花板,掉落的石膏碎片落了他们一身。The bar-room door crashed open and the voices at the tables fell silent.酒吧间的门砰地给砸开了,坐在桌边的人都突然静了下来。She slammed the desk drawer all she had.她猛力把书桌抽屉砰地关上。Her response was to leave the room and slam the door.她的反应是离开房间并把门砰地关上。It slipped from his fingers and fell with a bump.那东西从他手中滑落,砰地掉在地上。I lost my temper and banged my book down on the desk.我大发雷霆,把书砰地往课桌上一摔。The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head.那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。I heard a car door slamming.我听到车门砰地关上了。The cork flew off with a pop.瓶塞砰地一声飞了出去。Call her. The worst thing she could do is slam down the phone.给她打个电话,大不了她把电话砰地挂断罢了。The sound of a door slamming snapped me out of my daydream.砰地关门声把我从白日梦中惊醒。She ran out of the room and slammed the door as hard as she could.她跑出房间,用尽全身气力砰地关上了门。I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他砰地关上门走了。The drunken driver drove bang into the store window.醉醺醺的司机开车砰地撞进商店的橱窗。She slammed the door of the house and jumped into the car beside him.砰地关上屋门,钻进了他旁边的汽车里。There was a clunk, a fizz, and then the screen froze.只听到砰地一响,接着有嘶嘶声,然后屏幕就没有反应了。She let the door slam.她听任门砰地关上。He ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.他从房间跑出来,随手砰地关上了门。The wind made the door/window slam (shut).风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。She clapped the door shut.砰地一声把门关上了。He backed away and in that split second she slammed the door in his face.他往后退去,就在这一刹那,她砰地把他关在门外了。He slammed the door behind him.他随手砰地关上了门。He accidentally smacked his head against the shelf.他不小心砰地把头撞到了架子上。She screamed when the door suddenly slammed shut.砰地关上,吓得她尖叫了一声。She banged his dinner on the table.她把他的晚餐砰地摔在桌上。She flumped her books on the table.砰地把书扔到桌子上。She slammed the cup down, and coffee splashed all over him.砰地把杯子放下,里面的咖啡溅了他一身。She gave a jump when the door suddenly banged shut.突然间门砰地关上了,把她吓了一跳。He slammed the door and drove the bolt home.砰地关上门,把门闩插好。So incensed did I become at this that I slammed the door in his face.我对此如此愤怒,以致当着他的面砰地摔上门。He tried to talk to her, but she slammed the phone down on him.他想和她说话,但是她砰地把电话挂断了。Martin sat down suddenly with a bump.马丁突然砰地坐了下来。We slammed the gate after them, wedging it shut with planks.他们出去后,我们在后面砰地把大门关上,并用板条抵死。With a gnash of the teeth he slammed the door.他一咬牙砰地关上了门。The door crashed open and Dennis cannonballed into the hallway.砰地打开,丹尼斯飞奔到过道里。




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