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词汇 知道
例句 She knew that her feeling of awkwardness in social situations was a hangover from her schooldays知道自己在社交场合的尴尬感是从学生时代遗留下来的。I realized it was useless to reason with him.知道和他说理是毫无意义的。I had no idea that Mike had an affair with Carolyn!我一点都不知道迈克和卡罗琳有暧昧关系!Copeland is a streetwise cop who knows how to take care of himself.科普兰是一名熟悉街头生活的警察,他知道如何保护自己。You certainly know whether what you are doing is right or wrong.你当然知道你自己正在做的事是对还是错。Something's happened to upset him but we don't know what it is.一定发生了什么事让他烦躁不安,可我们不知道究竟是什么事。He always does/says just the right thing to make me feel better.他总是知道该做/该说什么能让我感觉好一些。How the print of a foot came thither I knew not, nor could in the least imagine.那脚印是怎么留在那儿的,我既不知道,也丝毫猜不出。I know whereof I speak. 知道我在说什么。I knew they were trying to annoy me but I was determined to keep my temper.知道他们想激怒我,但我还是决心忍住不发火。I know she's lying.知道她在撒谎。By this time she no longer knew where she was, and was beginning to panic.这个时候,她已经不知道自己身在何处,开始惊慌了。Fans of the blues know the city for its live blues clubs.蓝调粉丝知道这座城市是因为这里有多个现场演奏的蓝调夜总会。You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are.知道当你告诉别人你的年龄时,他们如何故作惊讶。I saw the light of recognition in her eye.看她的眼神,我知道她认出我了。You know who these people are.知道这都是些什么人。You know, it does worry me.你要知道,这实在让我担心。They made sure everyone knew where they were supposed to be.他们确保每个人都知道应该在哪儿。I know you don't want to do this, but it's for your own good. 知道你不想做这事,但这是为了你好。I could smell smoke and knew that something was burning.我能闻到烟味,知道有什么东西燃了。With kids like that you have to lay down the law and let them see you're serious.对于那样的小孩你必须发号施令,让他们知道你是严肃认真的。If this kind of information fell into the wrong hands, we would be in serious trouble.如果这种消息让对手知道,我们就麻烦大了。You are stating the obvious. Tell me something I don't already know.你说的都是明摆着的事,说点我还不知道的。I know what it means to lose a child.知道失去一个孩子意味着什么。There's no way of knowing when the volcano will erupt again.根本无法知道这座火山何时再度爆发。You know you're going to wind up in court over this.你要知道你这样最终得走上法庭。I knew I was at the crossroads of my career.知道我的事业处在一个十字路口。You know how prickly she is.知道她有多么爱发脾气。We'll never know what really happened.我们永远不会知道到底发生了什么事。Right from the off , I knew she was against me.从一开始我就知道她反对我。I know, I know, I should have had the car checked out before now.知道,我知道,我应该事先把汽车检查一下的。I know for a fact that Graham has kept in close touch with Alan.知道格雷厄姆确实与艾伦保持着密切的联系。He is a very elusive person. It is hard to pin him down sometimes.他是个捉摸不定的人,要清楚地知道他是很难的。I gave that figure off the top of my head, knowing it might not be completely accurate.那个数字是我随口说出来的,我知道可能不太精确。I know it's a shot in the dark, but I still think we can convince them to join us.知道这只是瞎碰,但我还是认为我们可以说服他们和我们合伙。What effect it will have, heaven only knows.谁也不知道这会有什么效果。Let me tell you my version of what happened.让我告诉你我所知道的事情经过。I know this song but I can't bring the title to mind.知道这首歌,但记不起歌名。Do you know the kind of thing I mean?知道我指的那种东西吗?There was no knowing how high the water would rise.无从知道水将涨到多高。




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