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词汇 着火
例句 The paper ignited on contact with sparks.纸一接触到火花就着火了。He coaxed the fire to burn by blowing on it.他耐心地对着火吹,好让它烧起来。The children fled in terror as the hay caught fire.干草着火了,孩子们吓得四散而逃。They were wakened by cries of "Fire!" from the next room.他们被隔壁房间里传来的“着火了”的叫声惊醒了。Newspaper catches fire easily.报纸容易着火There was a loud boom. The chemical works was on fire.轰隆一声巨响,化工厂着火了。Acrid black smoke issued from the burning factory.那座着火的工厂散发出呛人的黑色烟雾。Teresa wondered if the burning log might set fire to the curtains.特蕾莎不知道那块燃烧的木头是否会使窗帘着火The pilot was forced to land when one of the plane's engines caught fire.飞机的一只引擎着火后,飞行员不得不进行迫降。The roof was set aflame by lightning.屋顶被闪电击中着火了。We could see black smoke from the house fire.我们能看到从着火的房子里冒出的黑烟。It was the dry season and everything was ready to catch fire.那正是旱季,所有东西都非常容易着火He ran into the burning house with no thought for his own life.他不顾个人安危,冲进着火的房子。He scrambled the children out of the burning house.他赶着孩子们匆匆离开着火的屋子。Some bright spark thought the building was on fire and called the fire brigade.不知道哪个聪明人以为大楼着火了,就叫来了消防队。He flicked his lighter but it didn't catch.他按了一下打火机但没打着火The whole building was on fire - we were lucky to get out alive!整栋大楼都着火了—我们能活着出来真是幸运啊!The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.这架喷气式飞机突然着火,急速坠地。The people trapped in the burning building were overcome by the heat and smoke.困在着火的大楼中的人们饱受炽热烟熏之苦。The engine burst/exploded into flame.发动机着火了。We nearly didn't get out of the burning building. It was a pretty close call, let me tell you!我们差点儿没能逃出着火的大楼。我跟你说,那真是死里逃生!The firefighters reached the burning house none too soon. 消防队员刚好及时赶到了着火的房子。People were forced to leap to safety from the burning building.人们被迫跳离着火的大楼以逃生。Some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.离桥最近的一些房屋着火了。The panic-stricken horses crashed through the door of the burning barn.受惊的马匹从着火的马棚里破门而出。Smoke from burning fields drifted across nearby roads.着火的田地产生的烟雾飘到了附近的公路上。The aircraft caught fire, a highly dangerous situation.飞机着火了,情况很危险。Several people were trapped inside the burning building.有几个人被困在着火的大楼里。Emergency crews quickly planned a daring rescue to get the people out of the burning building.救援人员很快制订了一个从着火大楼中营救被困人员的大胆方案。After several unsuccessful attempts to start his car, he swore in vexation.几次发动汽车都没有打着火,他气得骂了起来。His clothing caught alight.他的衣服着火了。She was gasping for air as she ran out of the burning house.她从着火的房子中逃出来时上气不接下气。One of the engines on the right side of the aircraft caught fire.飞机右侧的一个引擎着火了。The dry twigs soon caught fire.枯枝很快就着火了。Journalists report seeing a fire on the pad after the launch.记者们报道说在发射后看到发射台着火了。Lightning set the building ablaze.闪电导致那栋建筑着火了。A fireman rescued three children from the burning building.一名消防员从着火的大楼中救出三名儿童。The family retrieved only a few personal items from the burning home.这家人从着火的房屋中只抢救出几件个人物品。The captain radioed that the ship was on fire.船长发无线电说船着火了。Explosions ripped through the blazing wreck.着火的残骸接连发生爆炸。




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