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词汇 copped
例句 Somebody copped my watch.有人偷了我的手表。She said she would come, but then she copped out at the last minute.她说她会来,但在最后一刻她又不来了。She copped first prize in the competition.她获得了此次比赛的第一名。He has a diary of death, so you can see which stars copped it on your birthday.他有一本死亡日记,你从中可以知道哪些明星是在你的生日那天死去的。The thief was copped with the goods in his possession.贼连人带赃被逮个正着。As far as I'm concerned, she's copped out and joined the rat race.在我看来,她放弃了自己应该做的事,为了常规的工作而无谓奔忙。Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.汽车旅馆老板和餐厅经理因忽视顾客而吃了苦头。I copped all the blame for what happened.这件事全都怪到我头上来了。He copped the idea from me.他剽窃了我的构想。He copped the full force of the blow.他挨了重重一击。The politician copped out on the issue of free trade.那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。Dunn copped a plea to avoid going to jail.杜恩坦白交代了,免得坐牢。He copped off with one of the girls at the party.他在派对上与其中一个女孩搞到了一起。You might have copped off with the best-looking guy in the room, but I knew how bad he could be.你可能与房间里最英俊的那个男人上了床,不过我知道他人有多坏。He has copped out of his responsibilities.他逃避了应负的责任。




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