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词汇 眼中
例句 Her eyes flashed with anger.眼中冒着怒火。The decision rests entirely upon how good a fighter you think she is.作出什么决定,完全取决于你眼中的她是什么水平的拳击手。They view activists as little more than meddlers.在他们眼中,积极分子不过是爱管闲事的人罢了。His eyes were full of mischief.他的眼中满是狡黠。Her eyes assumed a strange, weary look.眼中流露出一种奇怪的疲惫神情。Her father had a gleam in his eyes as he told the story.她父亲讲述这个故事时眼中流露出幸福感。I could see hunger, exhaustion and despair in their eyes.我从他们眼中看到了饥饿、疲惫和绝望。The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold.眼中的怒火吓得她汗毛倒竖。Since her illness, other people had no real existence for her.自从她生病后,其他人在她眼中都不存在了。I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.我记得他眼中闪动着的好奇、期盼的光。His eyes glowed with an extraordinary fervour.他的眼中闪耀着极度热情的光芒。There was a sparkle in her eye that could not be hidden.眼中闪烁着一丝无法掩藏的亮光。She looked at me without a flicker of recognition in her eyes.她看着我,眼中没有闪过一丝相识的神情。To my mortification, my eyes began to fill with tears.让我难堪的是,我的眼中开始涌出泪水。Mr Flynn had a tired, ill look in his eyes.弗林先生的眼中显出倦意和病容。The sight of Lord Laetho's purple pennant brought tears of relief to his eyes.看到拉埃索勋爵的王室旗帜,他眼中涌起了欣慰的泪水。I saw a tiny ray of recognition in his eyes.我从他眼中看到一丝赞赏之意。There was no mistaking the admiration in his eyes.眼中的仰慕之情一看便知。He said nothing at all, but his eyes spoke for him.他什么也没说,但他眼中流露的神情说明了一切。The new leader wants his country to be seen as a mature democracy.这位新的领导希望他的国家在人们眼中是个成熟的民主国家。There was a distant look in her eyes.眼中流露出疏远的神情。Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve to the extent that Joanna does is perhaps not everyone's idea of a suitable candidate for the diplomatic service.像乔安娜这么感情外露的人或许不是大家眼中外交工作的合适人选。She looked an eager question at her visitor.眼中显出急切询问的神色,看着来访者。She felt the tears burning against her closed lids.她感到灼热的泪水在紧闭的眼中涌动。He could see the disappointment in her eyes.他能看出她眼中的沮丧。Richard Dorrington was, in their eyes, a very sensible and reliable man.在他们眼中,理查德·多林顿是个非常可靠的明白人。Everyone wants to be successful in the eyes of their peers.每个人都希望在同辈人的眼中自己是成功的。Her eyes sparkled with pride.她的眼中显出骄傲的神色。When he gets that angry look in his eyes, you know it means trouble. 当他眼中充满愤怒的目光时,你知道那就意味着要有麻烦了。He could see mischief in her eyes.他能在她的眼中看到淘气的神情。He brushed the tears from his eyes.他拭去眼中的泪水。Wickedness gleamed in his eyes.眼中闪过一丝邪恶的神情。God is still as invisible to the eyes of the most developed here as the ether of space is to yours.就像您的眼睛看不见苍穹的空间一样,在我们这里最成熟的人的眼中上帝还是无形的。He had a playful glint in his eyes. = He had a glint of playfulness in his eyes.眼中流露出俏皮的神情。The mingled emotions that haunted his mind were reflected in his eyes.萦绕在他心头的交织情绪在他眼中流露了出来。Despite the apparent willingness to cooperate, he sensed a withdrawal in her eyes.尽管她表面上愿意合作,但他觉得她的眼中有一种冷漠的神情。His eyes were swimming with tears.眼中噙满了泪水。I saw the look of expectancy in the children's eyes.我从孩子们的眼中看到了期待的神情。As he stands up, he turns his face away from her so that she won't see his tears.站起身时,他将脸别过去,以免让她看到眼中的泪水。She saw the distress in Christy's eyes.她从克里斯蒂的眼中看到了痛苦。




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