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词汇 眺望
例句 From the vantage point on the hill, the port shimmered beneath us.从山上的有利地位眺望,看到我们下方的港市闪烁着灯光。They stood on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean.他们站在峭壁上眺望太平洋。He was silent for a while, gazing sadly into the twilight.他一时默默无言,黯然朝暮色眺望He looked outside at the snow.他向外眺望雪景。Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.安妮塔用手挡住阳光,眺望地平线。Ralph shaded his eyes and followed the jagged outline of the crags.拉尔夫手搭凉棚,眺望轮廓参差不齐的峭壁。From the top of the hill you can get a perspective of the entire park.从山顶上你能眺望整个公园的景色。A park ranger was answering the tourists’ questions as they looked out over the canyon.游客眺望峡谷时,一名园林管理员在回答他们提出的问题。She leaned on the railings and looked out at the sea.她凭栏眺望大海。His eyes had a distant faraway look, like a sailor staring out to sea.他的双眼流露出若有所思的神情,就像海员在眺望大海。The view from up here is extraordinary.从这里眺望,风景非常迷人。The trees in their garden obstruct our view of the sea.他们花园里的树挡住了我们眺望海景。Her eyes scanned the distant hills.她仔细眺望远处的小山。He ranged his eyes over the scene before him.他举目眺望,饱览展现在眼前的景色。From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape.他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。They stood at the top of the hill and viewed the beautiful landscape.他们站在山顶眺望美丽的景色。The hotel's most attractive feature is its magnificent view of Mount Hood.该酒店最吸引人的特色是能眺望胡德山美景。He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship.他仔细眺望着地平线,但是看不见那艘船的踪影。A building interrupts the view from our window.一座房子遮断了我们向窗外眺望的视线。He gazed out over the lake.眺望着远处的湖面。Our hotel overlooked the Temple of Luxor and the river.从我们的旅馆可以眺望卢克索神殿和尼罗河。She continued her survey of the landscape.她继续眺望景色。The hotel overlooked the beach.从宾馆可以眺望海滩。The captain scanned the horizon for any sign of other vessels.船长仔细眺望海天相接处看是否有其他船只的踪影。




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